]> git.etc.gen.nz Git - spong.git/shortlog
2000-11-29 Stephen L Johnsonadded $Id$ RCS string and added @HOST_DEFAULTS to list...
2000-11-29 Stephen L Johnsonfixed problem in new spong.hosts based parameters code
2000-11-28 Stephen L Johnsonmoved close PING; pipe to outside of eval block. Didn...
2000-11-28 Stephen L Johnsonadded timeout parameter of 10 to check_tcp() calls
2000-11-28 Stephen L Johnsonadded code to use new spong.host method of specifing...
2000-11-28 Stephen L Johnsonadded code to check_tcp() to default $timeout param...
2000-11-28 Stephen L Johnsonreplace 'make' invocations with '$(MAKE)'
2000-11-28 Stephen L Johnsonadded purple status check item
2000-11-21 Stephen L Johnsonlatest changes spong-2_7_1
2000-11-21 Stephen L Johnsonadded code to default $WWW_TITLE_SIZE if not defined
2000-11-21 Stephen L Johnsonadded $WWW_TITLE_SIZE entry
2000-11-21 Stephen L Johnsoninserted warning about make command versions and requir...
2000-11-20 Stephen L Johnsonadded -k to $DF command for 1024 block size
2000-11-15 Stephen L Johnsonmisc makefile install changes
2000-11-15 Stephen L Johnsonupdated changes
2000-11-15 Stephen L Johnsonadded support for setting title frame size in web inter...
2000-11-07 Stephen L Johnsonfix to HTTP/1.1 code check for problem in IIS
2000-11-07 Stephen L Johnsonchange $PSEF var to $PS for spong standard commands
2000-11-07 Stephen L Johnsonadding missing $RPCINFO command and added -s to solaris...
2000-11-07 Stephen L Johnsoncritical counts for processes added and processing...
2000-11-07 Stephen L Johnsonadded RCS id field
2000-11-06 Stephen L Johnsonfixed parsing bug with host names containing dashes...
2000-11-06 Stephen L Johnsonmoved sleep code to after config file loading. $SPONGSL...
2000-10-26 Stephen L Johnsonfixed problem with code handling host group 'display... spong-2_7_0
2000-10-18 Stephen L JohnsonMakefile/mkae files updates spong-2_7_0-beta2
2000-10-17 Stephen L Johnsonchage chown's to use '.' instead of ':'
2000-10-17 Stephen L Johnsonfixed misspellingin in PERL path value
2000-10-17 Stephen L Johnsondded missign \ in CGI files
2000-10-17 Stephen L Johnsonfinal tweaking of the makefile install spong-2_7_0-beta1
2000-10-17 Stephen L Johnsonadded file into CVS
2000-10-16 Stephen L Johnsontweaked display_wml routines and fixed bug in display...
2000-10-16 Stephen L Johnsonadded back do action. changed <P> align to left. remove...
2000-10-16 Stephen L Johnsonupdated Guys program to handle tmp make file creation
2000-10-16 Stephen L Johnsonadded $Id$ RCS field to comments fields
2000-10-16 Stephen L Johnsonchanged for spong 2.7 added
2000-10-16 Stephen L Johnsonlatest changes
2000-10-16 Stephen L Johnsonupdated README file using spong-intro.pod file
2000-10-16 Stephen L Johnsonreadded old spong.conf file as spong.conf-sample
2000-10-16 Stephen L Johnsonadded $Id$ RCS field into comments and removed spong...
2000-10-09 Stephen L Johnsonadded files into CVS
2000-10-09 Stephen L Johnsonupdated documentation
2000-10-09 Stephen L Johnsonupdated help message
2000-10-04 Stephen L Johnsonadded section on configuring Web Display interface
2000-09-29 Stephen L Johnsonadded files into CVS
2000-09-27 Stephen L Johnsonchange debug param to optional instead of mandatory
2000-09-27 Stephen L JohnsonFix default value of $WWW_DEFAULT_VIEW. Add SPONGSLEEP...
2000-09-27 Stephen L Johnsonpass debug value during --restart
2000-09-27 Stephen L JohnsonAdd or clean up some debugging in various spots. Fix...
2000-09-27 Stephen L Johnsonremoved the rest of the POD documentation
2000-09-27 Stephen L Johnsonallow --nosleep to run with another instance. pass...
2000-09-27 Stephen L Johnsonmoved ALRM handler into eval. close FIFO outside of...
2000-09-27 Stephen L JohnsonMake $summary more consistent with other plugins (servi...
2000-09-27 Stephen L Johnsonadd IMAP logout command for a cleaner exit
2000-09-27 Stephen L JohnsonPerform _HOST_ -> $host substitution on $url for more...
2000-09-27 Stephen L Johnsonwhen $WWW_USE_IMAGES=0 the underline of links weren...
2000-09-27 Stephen L Johnsonadded documenation on other config variables www-spong...
2000-09-27 Stephen L JohnsonUIOWA clean out
2000-09-27 Stephen L JohnsonUIOWA host clean out
2000-09-27 Stephen L Johnsonrpcinfo path correction
2000-09-27 Stephen L Johnsonfix of rpcinfo path and added lsps for swap space monit...
2000-09-27 Stephen L Johnsonspelling corrections and UIOWA cleanout
2000-09-25 Stephen L Johnsonadded program into CVS tree
2000-09-25 Stephen L Johnsonlatest changes
2000-09-25 Stephen L Johnsonadded wap-spong into install routine
2000-09-25 Stephen L Johnsonadded $WAPSPONG variable needed for wap-spong program
2000-09-25 Stephen L Johnsonadded wml display routines
2000-09-19 Stephen L Johnsonset errmode() to 'return' so errors a return instead...
2000-09-18 Stephen L Johnsonadded code to skip display of group if 'display' attr...
2000-09-18 Stephen L Johnsondocumentation updates
2000-09-18 Stephen L Johnsonadded $WWWDOCS config variable
2000-09-18 Stephen L Johnsonlatest udates
2000-09-15 Stephen L Johnsonadded missing main::error() func that new Spong::Status...
2000-09-15 Stephen L Johnsonadded !!WWWDOCS!! substitution in show() procedure
2000-09-15 Stephen L Johnsonupdated file for new online access to doucumentation
2000-09-15 Stephen L Johnsonadded entry for $WWWDOCS config variable
2000-09-15 Stephen L Johnsonadded module into CVS
2000-09-15 Stephen L Johnsondocumentation updates
2000-09-14 Stephen L Johnsonadded files into CVS
2000-09-14 Stephen L Johnsonvarious documentation updates
2000-09-14 Stephen L Johnsonadded program into CVS
2000-09-14 Stephen L Johnsonremoved $cat from message which was causing mis-formatt...
2000-09-13 Stephen L Johnsonadded $DNSCMD config varirable
2000-09-13 Stephen L Johnsonstopped using Net::DNS moduel and started using dig...
2000-09-13 Stephen L Johnsonchange RCS header from $Header$ to $Id$
2000-09-13 Stephen L Johnsonupdated comments and added RCS header
2000-09-12 Stephen L Johnsondocumentation updates
2000-09-06 Stephen L Johnsonremoved POD documentation to separate file in /pod
2000-09-06 Stephen L Johnsonremoved old html doc files
2000-08-29 Stephen L Johnsonadded debug statement for parsing of server spec
2000-08-26 Stephen L Johnsonchanged HOST to HOSTS comments as possible values for...
2000-08-25 Stephen L Johnsonremoved "http://hostname/" from $WWWSPONG and $WWWACK...
2000-08-22 Stephen L Johnsonfixed problem with regexp for picking bogus queue ...
2000-08-21 Stephen L Johnsonupdated to handle multiple mail queue dirs of sendmail...
2000-08-16 Stephen L Johnsonadded latest changes
2000-08-16 Stephen L Johnsonmoved socket code to SendMsgi(). now using main::error...
2000-07-27 Stephen L Johnsonchanged date and time display code to use POSIX::strfti... spong-2_7-alpha8
2000-07-27 Stephen L Johnsonadding missing use Net::Ping; statement
2000-07-27 Stephen L Johnsonlatest update
2000-07-26 Stephen L Johnsonchanges esclaton code to not report downgraded 'red...
2000-07-26 Stephen L Johnsonupated with later changes