B<spong-message> alerts people via the messaging modules that are installed.
New messaging functions can be easily created. See the L<Message
-Modules|developer-guide/"Messaging Modules"> section in the I<Developer Guide>.
+Modules|developer-guide/"MESSAGE MODULES"> section in the I<Developer Guide>.
pages. See the L<admin-guide/"$WWW_REFRESH Logic"> for more
This is a partial URL to a CGI script that can do paging for systems. If it is
used a "Contact" link will appear on Tool Bar on Spong Web Displays. Refer to
This is the maximum number of messages that are sent to the same person
in an hour. All message past this number are just logged to the history
which events are matched against and a list of contacts to notify if all
of the matching criteria are met.
+=head2 $RULES_MATCH
+The variable governs the matching rules are processed. The possible values
+are 'OLD', 'FIRST-MATCH', or 'ALL'.
+=over 8
+=item OLD
+This cause B<spong-message> to use the notification logical from Spong 2.1.
+This is intended an aid in migrating a Spong 2.1 installation to Spong 2.5
+and above. The existing notification scheme can be used until new messaging
+rules are developed and debugged.
+This functionality will be removed at some point in the future.
+This value causes the rules matching engine to stop after the first successful
+match. The matching rule is processed, and then the spong-message program
+=item ALL
+This values causes the rules matching engine to scan all rules. It will
+process all successful matches.
Each rule should have more of more of the following matching