--- /dev/null
+# This object represents a configuration file for a host. This object will
+# contain status information about the configuration file and the contents
+# of the file it self.
+# host - string FQDN of the machine its associated with
+# name - string name of the configuration file
+# timestamp - modification time of the config file (time() format)
+# size - file size in bytes of the config file
+# lines - line count of the config confile
+# contents - the contents of the config file
+# + new() - constructor (sets instance vars to arguments passed in)
+# + gets/sets() - magical set/get functions (autoloaded based on func name)
+use FileHandle;
+package Spong::ConfigFile;
+# Constructor.
+sub new {
+ my( $proto, $host, $name ) = @_;
+ my( $class ) = ref($proto) || $proto;
+ my $self = {};
+ # If file doesn't exist, return undef
+ if ( ! -f "$main::SPONGDB/$host/config/$name") {
+ return undef;
+ }
+ $self->{'name'} = $name;
+ $self->{'host'} = $host;
+ my($size, $mtime) = (stat("$main::SPONGDB/$host/config/$name"))[7,9];
+ $self->{'size'} = $size;
+ $self->{'timestamp'} = $mtime;
+ my(@contents);
+ $fh = new FileHandle("< $main::SPONGDB/$host/config/$name");
+ while (<$fh>) { $contents[$#contents+1] = $_; }
+ $self->{'contents'} = \@contents;
+ $self->{'lines'} = $#contents+2;
+ bless ($self,$class);
+ return $self;
+# Get/Set methods, nothing fancy here...
+sub host { return $_[0]->{'host'}; }
+sub name{ return $_[0]->{'name'}; }
+sub timestamp { return $_[0]->{'timestamp'}; }
+sub size { return $_[0]->{'size'}; }
+sub lines { return $_[0]->{'lines'}; }
+sub contents { return $_[0]->{'contents'}; }