sub display_text {
my( $self, $format ) = @_;
- if( $format eq "standard" ) {
+ if( $format eq "brief" ) {
+ my( %services, $host, $service, @names );
+ # Compute the total list of services running on the various hosts, and
+ # sort them alphabetically (except always put ping first).
+# foreach $host ( $self->hosts() ) {
+# foreach $service ( $host->service_names() ) { $services{$service}++;}}
+ if( grep( /^ping$/, keys %main::SERVICES ) ) { push( @names, "ping" ); }
+ foreach $service ( sort keys %main::SERVICES ) {
+ push( @names, $service ) unless $service eq "ping"; }
+ # Print the horizontal axis of the table (names of the services)
+ print "-"x30, "-"x(($#names+1)*3), "\n";
+ foreach my $cnt ( 0..5 ) {
+ if( $cnt == 0 ) { print "Key: . = green, ? = purple "; }
+ if( $cnt == 1 ) { print " Y = yellow, R = red "; }
+ if( $cnt == 2 ) { print " B = blue "; }
+ if( $cnt == 3 ) { print " "x30; }
+ if( $cnt == 4 ) { print " "x30; }
+ if( $cnt == 5 ) { print "Group:", " "x24; }
+ print substr( "status", (length("status") - 6 + $cnt), 1 )," ";
+ print "\n";
+ }
+ print "-"x30, "-"x(($#names+1)*3), "\n";
+ # Now go through each host, and fill in the table.
+ foreach $group ( $self->groups() ) {
+ print substr( $group->name(), 0, 29 );
+ print " "x(30-length(substr($group->name(), 0, 29)));
+ my ($color);
+ foreach $service ( @names ) {
+ my ($servicecolor) = $group->services_color( $service );
+ $color = $servicecolor if ($COLORS{$servicecolor} > $COLORS{$color});
+ }
+ if( $color ) {
+ if( $color eq "green" ) { print ". "; }
+ if( $color eq "purple" ) { print "? "; }
+ if( $color eq "yellow" ) { print "Y "; }
+ if( $color eq "red" ) { print "R "; }
+ if( $color eq "blue" ) { print "B "; }
+ } else {
+ print " ";
+ }
+ print "\n";
+ }
+ print "\n";
+ } elsif( $format eq "standard" ) {
my( %services, $host, $service, @names );
# Compute the total list of services running on the various hosts, and
# Print the horizontal axis of the table (names of the services)
print "-"x30, "-"x(($#names+1)*3), "\n";
- foreach $cnt ( 0..4 ) {
+ foreach my $cnt ( 0..4 ) {
if( $cnt == 0 ) { print "Key: . = green, ? = purple "; }
if( $cnt == 1 ) { print " Y = yellow, R = red "; }
if( $cnt == 2 ) { print " B = blue "; }
if( $cnt == 3 ) { print " "x30; }
- if( $cnt == 4 ) { print "Host:", " "x25; }
+ if( $cnt == 4 ) { print "Group:", " "x24; }
foreach $service ( @names ) {
if( length($service) - 5 + $cnt >= 0 ) {
print substr( $service, (length($service) - 5 + $cnt), 1 )," ";
# Now go through each host, and fill in the table.
- foreach $host ( $self->hosts() ) {
- print substr( $host->name(), 0, 29 );
- print " "x(30-length(substr($host->name(), 0, 29)));
- foreach $service ( @names ) {
- my $servobj = $host->service( $service );
- if( $servobj ) {
- $servobj->display_text( "really_brief" );
- } else {
+ foreach $group ( $self->groups() ) {
+ print substr( $group->name(), 0, 29 );
+ print " "x(30-length(substr($group->name(), 0, 29)));
+ foreach my $service ( @names ) {
+ my ($color) = $group->services_color( $service );
+ if( $color ) {
+ if( $color eq "green" ) { print ". "; }
+ if( $color eq "purple" ) { print "? "; }
+ if( $color eq "yellow" ) { print "Y "; }
+ if( $color eq "red" ) { print "R "; }
+ if( $color eq "blue" ) { print "B "; }
+ } else {
print " ";
- }
+ }
print "\n";
print "\n";
} elsif( $format eq "full" ) {
+ my( $service, @names );
- # This goes through each host, and has each one print a textual record
- # of the problem it is currently having, this would include a summary
- # of the problem services, date/time the problem occurred, and contact
- # information (as well as acknowledgments if they are available).
+ # Compute the total list of services running on the various hosts, and
+ # sort them alphabetically (except always put ping first).
+ if( grep( /^ping$/, keys %main::SERVICES ) ) { push( @names, "ping" ); }
+ foreach $service ( sort keys %main::SERVICES ) {
+ push( @names, $service ) unless $service eq "ping"; }
+ # Print the horizontal axis of the table (names of the services)
- foreach $host ( $self->hosts() ) {
- $host->display_problem( "text" ); print "\n";
+ # Now go through each host, and fill in the table.
+ foreach $group ( $self->groups() ) {
+ print "-"x30, "-"x(($#names+1)*3), "\n";
+ print "Group: " . substr( $group->name(), 0, 29 ) . "\n";
+ $group->display_text("standard");
+ print "\n";