--- /dev/null
+# This object represents a service in the History Service directory. This
+# object inherits from the Service class. The filename function is overridden
+# so we get the correct status information. The new function is overloaded
+# becuase we needed the status time field to build the file name
+# History
+# (1) Created (Dec 27, 1999 Stephen L Johnson)
+package Spong::HistoryService;
+use Spong::Service;
+@ISA = ("Spong::Service");
+# This is an overloaded new function for the HistoryService close. It
+# needs the update time in addition to host and service names
+sub new {
+ my( $proto, $host, $service, $time ) = @_;
+ my( $class ) = ref($proto) || $proto;
+ my $self = $class->SUPER::new($host,$service); # Call the service new()
+ $self->{'time'} = $time; # Add the stuff I need
+ my $file = $self->filename();
+ if (! -f "$main::SPONGDB/$file" ) { # If no file record found
+ return undef; # Return undef
+ }
+ bless ($self,$class); # reconsecrate
+ return $self;
+# These functions handle the loading of of the service data from the
+# database files
+sub filename {
+ my( $self ) = shift;
+ my( $file ) = "";
+ # This is a local hack to get around the procs/jobs problems, first look
+ # for the jobs service, if it is not there, look for procs...
+ if( $self->name() eq "jobs" ) {
+ $file = $self->host()."/history/status/".$self->{'time'}."-".$self->{'name'};
+ if( ! -f "$main::SPONGDB/$file" ) {
+ $file = $self->host()."/history/status/".$self->{'time'}."-procs";
+ }
+ } else {
+ $file = $self->host()."/history/status/".$self->{'time'}."-".$self->{'name'};
+ }
+ return $file;
+# Overridden html display function
+sub display_html {
+ my( $self, $format ) = @_;
+ my $host = $self->host;
+ my $name = $self->name();
+ my $color = $self->color();
+ my( $d1, $m1, $y1 ) = (localtime( $self->rtime()))[3,4,5];
+ my( $d2, $m2, $y2 ) = (localtime())[3,4,5];
+ if( $format eq "brief" ) {
+ print "<a href=\"!!WWWSPONG!!/service/$host/$name\">\n";
+ if( $main::WWW_USE_IMAGES == 1 ) {
+ print "<img src=\"!!WWWGIFS!!/$color.gif\" alt=$color border=0>";
+ } else {
+ print "<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr>";
+ print "<td width=20 bgcolor=\"" . $main::WWW_COLOR{$color} ;
+ print "\"><font color=\"" . $main::WWW_COLOR{$color} . "\">";
+ print "___</font></td></tr></table>\n";
+ }
+ print "</a>";
+ } elsif( $format eq "standard_table" ) {
+ print "<tr><td align=left valign=top nowrap>\n";
+ print "<a href=\"!!WWWSPONG!!/service/$host/$name\">$name</a></td>\n";
+ print "<td align=center valign=top>\n";
+ if( $main::WWW_USE_IMAGES == 1 ) {
+ print "<a href=\"!!WWWSPONG!!/service/$host/$name\">\n";
+ print "<img src=\"!!WWWGIFS!!/$color.gif\" alt=$color border=0></a>";
+ } else {
+ print "<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr>";
+ print "<td width=20 bgcolor=\"" . $main::WWW_COLOR{$color} . "\">";
+ print "<a href=\"!!WWWSPONG!!/service/$host/$name\">";
+ print "<font color=\"" . $main::WWW_COLOR{$color} . "\">___</font>";
+ print "</a></td></tr></table>\n";
+ }
+ print "</td>\n";
+ print "<td align=center valign=top nowrap>";
+ if( $d1 == $d2 && $m1 == $m2 && $y1 == $y2 ) {
+ print POSIX::strftime( "%H:%M", localtime($self->rtime()) ), " ";
+ } else {
+ print POSIX::strftime( "%D", localtime($self->rtime()) ), " ";
+ }
+ print "</td>\n";
+ print "<td align=left valign=top>", $self->summary(), "</td></tr>\n";
+ } elsif( $format eq "standard" ) {
+ print "<table width=100% border=1 cellspacing=2 cellpadding=2><tr>\n";
+ print "<td width=60 align=center><b>Service</b></td>\n";
+ print "<td width=1%> </td>\n";
+ print "<td width=60 align=center><b>Updated</b></td>\n";
+ print "<td width=100% align=center><b>Summary</b></td></tr>\n";
+ $self->display_html( "standard_table" );
+ print "</table>\n";
+ } elsif( $format eq "full" ) {
+ print "<font size=+2><b>", $self->host(), "/", $self->name();
+ print "</b></font>\n";
+ print "<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>";
+ print "<tr><td bgcolor=\"" . $main::WWW_COLOR{$color} . "\"> </td>";
+ print "</tr></table><p>";
+ print "<b>Date:</b> ";
+ print POSIX::strftime( "%H:%M, %D", localtime($self->rtime()) );
+ print "<br><b>Summary:</b> ", $self->summary(), "<br>\n";
+ print "<hr noshade><pre>", $self->message(), "</pre>\n";
+ }
+sub load {
+ my( $self ) = shift;
+ my $file = $self->filename();
+ open( FILE, "$main::SPONGDB/$file" );
+ my $header = <FILE>; chomp $header;
+ # If a timestamp is present, read it and set start time
+ if ($header =~ /^timestamp (\d+) (\d+)/ ) {
+ $self->{'stime'} = $1;
+ $header = <FILE>; chomp $header;
+ }
+ if ($header =~ /^color (\S+)/) {
+ $self->color($1);
+ $header = <FILE>; chomp $header;
+ }
+ ($self->{'rtime'}, $self->{'summary'}) = ( $header =~ /^(\d+) (.*)$/ );
+ while( <FILE> ) { $self->{'message'} .= $_; }
+ close( FILE );