--- /dev/null
+# builddoc - build Spong documentation in various formatted
+# This utility is designed to build the Spong documentation from all of
+# the POD document sources. It will build various formats: html, text and man
+# $Id: builddoc,v 1.1 2000/09/14 17:19:32 sljohnson Exp $
+use File::Basename;
+use Getopt::Long;
+@suffixlist = ('.pm','.pl','.pod');
+if (! GetOptions("dir:s" => \$dstdir, "type:s" =>$doctype )) {
+ print STDERR "Incorrect Usage\n";
+ usage();
+if (! defined $doctype && ! defined $ARGV[0] ) {
+ print STDERR "You have to specify documentation type: html, text, man , etc\n\n";
+ usage();
+$doctype = $ARGV[0] unless defined $doctype;
+if ($doctype eq "html" || $doctype eq "dist" ) { $suffix = ".html"; }
+elsif ($doctype eq "text") { $suffix = ".txt"; }
+elsif ($doctype eq "man") { $suffix = ".man"; }
+else {
+ print STDERR "Invalid documentation type. Must be: html, text, man\n";
+ usage();
+$files = `find ../ -type f -print \| egrep '*.pod\$\|*.pm\$\|plugins' \| grep -v CVS`;
+@files = split /\s+/,$files;
+system "rm -f pod2html-*" if $doctype eq "html";
+# Don't try this at home. I use this option to build the documentation for
+# Spong distributions. I have some customized programs which do this.
+# Write me at sjohnson@monsters.org if you want to know what I use.
+if ($doctype eq "dist") {
+ # Make sure that CWD is in a known sane place
+ chomp($cwd = `pwd`);
+ $mydir = dirname($cwd . "/" . $0);
+ chdir $mydir;
+ $files =~ s/\s+/ /g; # Make the whitepace into spaces
+ $cmd = "mpod2html -dir ../www/docs/ -tocname spongtoc -idxname spongindex"
+ . " $files 1> /tmp/pod.out 2>&1";
+ system $cmd;
+ exit 0;
+foreach $file ( @files ) {
+ print "$file\n";
+ $basename = basename($file,@suffixlist);
+ $outfile = $basename . $suffix;
+ $outfile = $dstdir . "/" . $outfile if $dstdir;
+ if ($doctype eq "html") {
+ $cmd = "pod2html --recurse --podroot=../ --podpath=pod:src " .
+ "--infile=$file --outfile=$outfile 2>/dev/null";
+ } elsif ($doctype eq "text") {
+ $cmd = "pod2text <$file >$outfile 2>/dev/null";
+ } elsif ($doctype eq "man") {
+ $cmd = "pod2man --center 'Spong 2.7' --release '2.7' $file >$outfile " .
+ "2>/dev/null";
+ }
+ system $cmd;
+sub usage {
+ print <<EOF;
+Usage: builddoc [--dir dstdir] --type doctype | doctype
+ --dir dstdir Directory in which to create output files
+ --type html|text|man Type of documentation to create.
+ exit 0;