use Date::Manip;
use Getopt::Long;
use Text::Wrap;
+use POSIX qw/strftime/;
# Some sane defaults.
my $host = "localhost";
$normal = "\033[0m";
-my $url = "http://$host:$port/xml";
-my $status = get($url);
-die "Sorry, failed to fetch $url.\n"
- unless defined $status;
-my $parser = XML::LibXML->new();
-my $xml = eval { $parser->parse_string( $status ) };
-our $today = substr(ParseDate('today'), 0, 8);
-our $tomorrow = substr(ParseDate('tomorrow'), 0, 8);
+# Allow setting some defaults for the output blocks.
+my %defaults = (
+ 'schedule' => {
+ 'attrs' => [ qw/title startTime NODE_TEXT subTitle/ ],
+ 'template' => "__startTime__ - __title__"
+ . (defined $episode ? " - __subTitle__" : '')
+ . (defined $description ? "\n__NODE_TEXT__" : ''),
+ 'filter' => {
+ # Only show recordings for today and tomorrow.
+ 'startTime' => sub {
+ my $date = substr(ParseDate($_[0]), 0, 8);
+ return ! (($date cmp $today) == 0
+ || ($date cmp $tomorrow) == 0) }
+ },
+ 'rewrite' => {
+ 'startTime' => { 'T' => ' ' },
+ }
+ }
# The blocks of output which we might generate.
my @blocks = (
'name' => 'Scheduled Recordings',
'xpath' => '//Status/Scheduled/Program',
- 'attrs' => [ qw/title startTime NODE_TEXT subTitle/ ],
- 'template' => "__startTime__ - __title__"
- . (defined $episode ? " - __subTitle__" : '')
- . (defined $description ? "\n__NODE_TEXT__" : ''),
- 'filter' => {
- # Only show recordings for today and tomorrow.
- 'startTime' => sub {
- my $date = substr(ParseDate($_[0]), 0, 8);
- return ! (($date cmp $today) == 0
- || ($date cmp $tomorrow) == 0) }
- },
- 'rewrite' => {
- 'startTime' => { 'T' => ' ' },
- }
- }
+ 'defaults' => 'schedule',
+ },
+ # Conflicts
+ {
+ 'name' => 'Schedule Conflicts',
+ 'Perl MythTV' => 1,
+ 'defaults' => 'schedule',
+ },
+### Fetch the XML status from the backend.
+my $url = "http://$host:$port/xml";
+my $status = get($url);
+die "Sorry, failed to fetch $url.\n"
+ unless defined $status;
+### Parse the XML
+my $parser = XML::LibXML->new();
+my $xml = eval { $parser->parse_string( $status ) };
+### Prep the Perl MythTV API if available.
+my $myth = undef;
+eval { use MythTV };
+if (! $@) {
+ eval { $myth = new MythTV() };
+### Set some useful variables, and print the header
+our $today = substr(ParseDate('today'), 0, 8);
+our $tomorrow = substr(ParseDate('tomorrow'), 0, 8);
my $title = "MythTV status for $host";
print "\n$title\n";
print '=' x length($title) . "\n";
for my $block (@blocks) {
+ $block->{'format'} ||= 'multi line';
+ # We might need to set some defaults.
+ if (defined $block->{'defaults'}) {
+ for my $field (keys %{ $defaults{ $block->{'defaults'} } }) {
+ $block->{$field} ||= $defaults{ $block->{'defaults'} }{$field};
+ }
+ }
+ my $output = undef;
+ if (defined $block->{'xpath'}) {
+ $output = process_xml($block, $xml);
+ } elsif (defined $block->{'Perl MythTV'}) {
+ $output = process_perl($block, $myth);
+ }
+ if (defined $output) {
+ print "$block->{'name'}:" . ($block->{'format'} eq 'one line' ? ' ' : "\n");
+ print $output . "\n\n";
+ }
+exit 0;
+sub process_xml {
+ my ($block, $xml) = @_;
my $items = $xml->documentElement->find($block->{'xpath'});
# Don't do any work on this block if there is nothing for it.
- next
+ return undef
if (scalar(@$items) == 0);
- $block->{'format'} ||= 'multi line';
- print "$block->{'name'}:" . ($block->{'format'} eq 'one line' ? ' ' : "\n");
+ my @lines;
for my $item (@{ $items }) {
- my $template = $block->{'template'};
- my $skip = undef;
+ my %vars;
for my $key (@{ $block->{'attrs'} }) {
- my $value = $key eq 'NODE_TEXT' ? wrap(' ', ' ', $item->string_value()) : $item->getAttribute($key);
- $value =~ s/\s+$//;
+ $vars{$key} = $key eq 'NODE_TEXT' ? $item->string_value : $item->getAttribute($key);
+ }
+ my $str = substitute_vars($block, \%vars);
+ push @lines, $str
+ if defined $str;
+ }
- $value = 'Unknown'
- if $value eq '';
+ return join("\n", @lines);
- $skip = 1
- if defined $block->{'filter'}{$key} &&
- &{ $block->{'filter'}{$key} }($value);
+sub process_perl {
+ my ($block, $myth) = @_;
- if (defined $block->{'rewrite'}{$key}) {
- my ($search, $replace);
- while (($search, $replace) = each %{ $block->{'rewrite'}{$key} } ) {
- $value =~ s/$search/$replace/g;
- }
- }
+ return "Unable to access MythTV Perl API."
+ unless defined $myth;
- $template =~ s/__${key}__/$value/g;
+ my @lines;
+ # This isn't defined in the 0.20 version of the API. It is in 0.21svn.
+ my $recstatus_conflict = 7;
+ my %rows = $myth->backend_rows('QUERY_GETALLPENDING', 2);
+ foreach my $row (@{$rows{'rows'}}) {
+ my $show;
+ {
+ # MythTV::Program currently has a slightly broken line with a numeric
+ # comparision.
+ local($^W) = undef;
+ $show = new MythTV::Program(@$row);
+ }
+ if ($show->{'recstatus'} == $recstatus_conflict) {
+ my %vars = (
+ 'title' => $show->{'title'},
+ 'startTime' => strftime("%FT%T", localtime($show->{'starttime'})),
+ 'NODE_TEXT' => $show->{'description'},
+ 'subTitle' => $show->{'subtitle'}
+ );
+ my $str = substitute_vars($block, \%vars);
+ push @lines, $str
+ if defined $str;
- print "$template\n"
- unless defined $skip;
- print "\n";
+ return join("\n", @lines);
+sub substitute_vars {
+ my $block = shift;
+ my $vars = shift;
+ my $template = $block->{'template'};
+ my $skip = undef;
+ my ($key, $value);
+ while (($key, $value) = (each %{ $vars })) {
+ $value = wrap(' ', ' ', $value)
+ if $key eq 'NODE_TEXT';
+ $value =~ s/\s+$//;
+ $value = 'Unknown'
+ if $value eq '';
+ $skip = 1
+ if defined $block->{'filter'}{$key} &&
+ &{ $block->{'filter'}{$key} }($value);
+ if (defined $block->{'rewrite'}{$key}) {
+ my ($search, $replace);
+ while (($search, $replace) = each %{ $block->{'rewrite'}{$key} } ) {
+ $value =~ s/$search/$replace/g;
+ }
+ }
+ $template =~ s/__${key}__/$value/g;
+ }
+ return defined $skip ? undef : $template;
sub print_version {
Up to 10 programs which are scheduled to be recorded today and tomorrow.
+=item Schedule Conflicts
+Any upcoming schedule conflicts (not just limited to today or tomorrow).
=head1 AUTHOR