--- /dev/null
+# SPONG Network plugin module
+# This plugin will use curl in verbose mode to connect to an SSL server and extract the
+# SSL certificate expiry date and send a warning notification based on the approprate grace
+# period settings.
+# Author: Alan Premselaar <alien@12inch.com>
+# $Id: check_ssl,v 1.1 2006/03/02 05:38:09 apremselaar Exp $
+# Synopsis:
+# The following variables can be set in the spong.conf file:
+# $SSLTIMEOUT - set the timeout in seconds for curl to connect to the URL
+# this can also be set per host with ssl_timeout => seconds directive
+# $SSLRETRY - set the number of retries, in case of timeout
+# $SSLGRACE - set the number of seconds before expiry to start warning
+# ($expire - time()) <= $SSLGRACE > $SSLGRACE /2 = yellow
+# ($expire - time()) <= $SSLGRACE /2 = red
+# $SSLCURLCMD - the command to use to call curl (installation dependant)
+# this command should have the tags <TIMEOUT> and <HOSTNAME>
+# in it as appropriate. Please see the code for an example.
+# some newer versions of curl require the -k option to connect
+# to SSL servers w/o requiring a cert.
+# Register function with the plugin registry
+$PLUGINS{'ssl'} = \&check_ssl;
+sub check_ssl {
+ use constant SECOND => 1;
+ use constant MINUTE => SECOND * 60;
+ use constant HOUR => MINUTE * 60;
+ use constant DAY => HOUR * 24;
+ use constant WEEK => DAY * 7;
+ use constant MONTH => WEEK * 4;
+ use constant TRUE => 1;
+ use constant FALSE => 0;
+ use POSIX;
+ use Time::Local;
+ our $_TIMEOUT = $SSLTIMEOUT || 5;
+ our $_TO_RETRY = $SSLRETRY || 5;
+ our $_CURL_CMD = "/usr/bin/curl -v -m <TIMEOUT> https://<HOSTNAME> 2>&1";
+ our $_EXPIRE_MATCH = '^\*\s+expire date: (\d{4})-(\d{1,2})-(\d{1,2})\s(\d{1,2}):(\d{1,2}):(\d{1,2})\s+([A-Z]{3})';
+ our $_GRACE = $SSLGRACE || MONTH * 2; # 2 month grace period: start warning $_GRACE time before date of expiry
+ our $retry = 0;
+ sub open_https {
+ my $host = shift;
+ my $curl = $SSLCURLCMD || $_CURL_CMD;
+ my $host_timeout = $HOSTS{$host}->{ssl_timeout} || $_TIMEOUT;
+ info(">> [$host] retry = $retry, max = $_TO_RETRY , host_timeout = $host_timeout");
+ my ($year,$month,$day,$hour,$min,$sec,$tz,$timeout);
+ $curl =~ s/<HOSTNAME>/$host/g;
+ $curl =~ s/<TIMEOUT>/$host_timeout/g;
+ if (! open(CURL, " $curl |")) {
+ error("Cannot pipe to $curl");
+ return(0);
+ }
+ while ($line = <CURL>) {
+ if ($line =~ /timeout/i || $line =~ /timed out/i) {
+ if ($retry >= $_TO_RETRY) {
+ info(" [$host] retry = $retry, max = $_TO_RETRY , host_timeout = $host_timeout");
+ return(0,0,0,1,0,1970,"GMT","timeout");
+ }
+ $retry++;
+ debug(" [$host] TIMEOUT: recursing ($retry)");
+# info(" [$host] TIMEOUT: recursing ($retry)");
+ ($sec,$min,$hour,$day,$month,$year,$tz,$timeout) = open_https($host);
+ return($sec,$min,$hour,$day,$month,$year,$tz,$timeout);
+ }
+ next unless ($line =~ /$_EXPIRE_MATCH/);
+ ($year,$month,$day,$hour,$min,$sec,$tz) = ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7);
+ last;
+ }
+ close(CURL);
+# info("[$host] $hour:$min:$sec $month/$day/$year");
+ $month -= 1 if ($month > 0);
+ return($sec,$min,$hour,$day,$month,$year,$tz,$timeout);
+ }
+ sub will_expire_soon {
+ my $expire = shift;
+ my $currtime = shift;
+ my $grace = shift;
+ my $diff = ($expire - $currtime);
+ if ( $diff <= $grace ) {
+ return(TRUE);
+ } else {
+ return(FALSE);
+ }
+ }
+ my ($host) = @_;
+ my ($color,$summary) = ("green","OK");
+ my @retval = open_https($host);
+ if ($retval[7] eq "timeout") {
+ $color = "yellow";
+ $summary = "Connection timeout: no more retries";
+ debug("ssl - $host - $color, $summary");
+ return($color,$summary);
+ }
+ my $timeg = timegm(@retval);
+ my $timel = time();
+ my $stimeg = strftime("%m-%d-%Y %H:%M:%S %Z", localtime($timeg));
+ my $stimel = strftime("%m-%d-%Y %H:%M:%S %Z", localtime($timel));
+ my $yellow = will_expire_soon($timeg,$timel,$_GRACE);
+ my $red = will_expire_soon($timeg,$timel,$_GRACE/2);
+ if ($yellow) {
+ $color = "yellow";
+ $summary = "SSL certificate will expire on $stimeg";
+ }
+ if ($red) {
+ $color = "red";
+ $summary = "WARNING: SSL certificate will expire on $stimeg!";
+ }
+ if ($color eq "green") {
+ $summary = "OK - SSL certificate valid until $stimeg";
+ }
+ debug( "ssl - $host - $color, $summary" );
+ return( $color, $summary );