--- /dev/null
+# Spong client monitoring script. This runs various tests locally on a machine
+# and sends those results to the Spong server machine where the information
+# is summarized and displayed. This script currently checks the following:
+# * disk (check to make sure that disks are not filling up)
+# * cpu (check to make sure the load is reasonable)
+# * jobs (check to make sure certain key processes are running)
+# * msgs (scan through logs looking for problems)
+# History:
+# (1) Ported bb-local.sh script to perl. (Ed Hill Feb 26, 1997)
+use lib '@@LIBDIR@@';
+use Sys::Hostname;
+use Socket;
+use Spong::Daemon;
+srand( time() ^ ($$ + ($$ << 15 )) );
+if( $ARGV[0] eq "--debug" ) { $debug = 1; shift; }
+if( $ARGV[0] eq "--restart" ) { $restart = 1; shift; }
+if( $ARGV[0] eq "--kill" ) { $kill = 1; shift; }
+if( $ARGV[0] eq "--nosleep" ) { $nosleep = 1; shift; }
+if( $ARGV[0] eq "--refresh" ) { $nosleep = 1; shift; }
+$me = "@@BINDIR@@/spong-client";
+$conf_file = $ARGV[0] || "@@ETCDIR@@/spong.conf";
+($HOST) = gethostbyname(&Sys::Hostname::hostname());
+$HOST =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
+$CHECKS = "";
+&load_config_files(); # Loads the user specified configuration information
+Spong::Daemon::Daemonize # Daemonize if not signalling or debugging
+ unless ($restart || $kill || $nosleep || $debug);
+&handle_signals(); # Set up handlers, and signal the current server if asked
+# Pretty simple program, check the stuff that we are looking at, report it to
+# the server, sleep, and do it all again...
+while( 1 ) {
+ my ($check);
+ foreach $check (split / /,$CHECKS) {
+ eval { &{$CHECKFUNCS{$check}}(); };
+ if ($@) { &error( "Error running check $check: $@") };
+ }
+ # If we are suppose to stay alive, then sleep about $SPONGSLEEP seconds, we
+ # add a little randomness so that things don't get in sync and pound the
+ # spong-server. Otherwise, just exit.
+ if( $nosleep ) {
+ last;
+ } else {
+ my $sleep = int($SPONGSLEEP - (.05 * $SPONGSLEEP) +
+ rand(.1 * $SPONGSLEEP));
+ &debug( "sleeping for $sleep seconds" );
+ sleep $sleep;
+ }
+unlink( "$SPONGTMP/spong-client.pid" ) unless $nosleep;
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# This function sends information to the Spong server. It reports the current
+# status of a service, and sends along a string of information that might be
+# helpful in diagnosing the problem. This code is modeled after the bb
+# program, but is a little different in that it handles multi-line messages
+# and send over the time as an int, rather then a string.
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+sub status {
+ my( $addr, $host, $cat, $color, $summary, $message ) = @_;
+ my( $iaddr, $paddr, $proto, $line, $ip, $ok );
+ if( $addr =~ /^\s*((\d+\.){3}\d+)\s*$/ ) {
+ $ip = $addr;
+ } else {
+ my( @addrs ) = (gethostbyname($addr))[4];
+ my( $a, $b, $c, $d ) = unpack( 'C4', $addrs[0] );
+ $ip = "$a.$b.$c.$d";
+ }
+ $iaddr = inet_aton( $ip ) || die "no host: $addr\n";
+ $paddr = sockaddr_in( $SPONG_UPDATE_PORT, $iaddr );
+ $proto = getprotobyname( 'tcp' );
+ # Set an alarm so that if we can't connect "immediately" it times out.
+ $SIG{'ALRM'} = sub { die };
+ alarm(30);
+ eval <<'_EOM_';
+ socket( SOCK, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, $proto ) || die "socket: $!";
+ connect( SOCK, $paddr ) || die "connect: $!";
+ select((select(SOCK), $| = 1)[0]);
+ print SOCK "status $host $cat $color ", time(), " $summary\n";
+ print SOCK "$message\n";
+ close( SOCK ) || die "close: $!";
+ $ok = 1;
+ alarm(0);
+ print STDERR scalar localtime, " can't connect to spong server.\n" if ! $ok;
+# ===========================================================================
+# Utility functions, and signal handlers...
+# ===========================================================================
+# Load our configuration variables, including anything specific to the host
+# that we are running on.
+sub load_config_files {
+ require $conf_file || die "Can't load $conf_file: $!";
+ if( -f "$conf_file.$HOST" ) {
+ require "$conf_file.$HOST" || die "Can't load $conf_file.$HOST: $!";
+ } else {
+ my $tmp = (split( /\./, $HOST ))[0];
+ if( -f "$conf_file.$tmp" ) { # for lazy typist
+ require "$conf_file.$tmp" || die "Can't load $conf_file.$tmp: $!";
+ }
+ }
+ &debug( "configuration file(s) loaded" );
+# This is part of the set up code, this sets up the signal handlers, and
+# handles any command line arguments that are given to us that tell us to
+# signal the current running spong-server program.
+sub handle_signals {
+ # Set up some signal handlers to handle our death gracefully, and also
+ # listen for the HUP signal, and if we se that, we re-exec ourself.
+ $SIG{'QUIT'} = \&exit_handler;
+ $SIG{'HUP'} = \&hup_handler;
+ $SIG{'USR1'} = \&hup_handler;
+ $SIG{'PIPE'} = \&pipe_handler;
+ # If the user gives us the --restart or --kill flags, then we signal the
+ # currently running spong-client process, and tell it to either die, or
+ # re-exec itself (which causes it to re-read it's configuration files.
+ if( $restart || $kill ) {
+ open( PID, "$SPONGTMP/spong-client.pid") || die "Can't find pid: $!";
+ my $pid = <PID>; chomp $pid;
+ close PID;
+ if( $restart ) {
+ &debug( "telling pid $pid to restart" ); kill( 'HUP', $pid ); }
+ if( $kill ) {
+ &debug( "telling pid $pid to die" ); kill( 'QUIT', $pid );}
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ # Write our pid to the spong tmp directory.
+ system( "echo $$ >$SPONGTMP/spong-client.pid" ) unless $nosleep;
+# Output functions, one for debugging information, the other for errors.
+sub debug { print scalar localtime, " ", $_[0], "\n" if $main::debug; }
+sub error { warn scalar localtime(), " Error: ", $_[0], "\n"; }
+# Fork from the parent and become a daemon
+sub daemonize {
+ my( $pid );
+ # Try to fork
+ $pid = fork();
+ if (! defined $pid) {
+ die "ERROR: Could not fork: $!";
+ } elsif ($pid) {
+ # I'm the parent, so just exit gracefully
+ exit(0);
+ } else {
+ # I'm the child
+ # If we are not debuging, disconnect from the console
+ if ( ! $debug ) {
+ open(STDIN,"</dev/null");
+ open(STDOUT,">/dev/null");
+ open(STDERR,">/dev/null");
+ }
+ # Become session group leader
+ POSIX::setsid();
+ }
+# Signal handlers...
+sub exit_handler {
+ &debug( "caught QUIT signal, exiting..." );
+ unlink "$SPONGTMP/spong-client.pid" if -f "$SPONGTMP/spong-client.pid";
+ exit(0);
+sub hup_handler {
+ &debug( "caught HUP signal, restarting..." );
+ unlink "$SPONGTMP/spong-client.pid" if -f "$SPONGTMP/spong-client.pid";
+ $SIG{$_[0]} = \&hup_handler;
+ if( $debug ) { exec $me, "--debug"; } else { exec $me; }
+ exit(0);
+sub pipe_handler {
+ wait();
+ &debug( "caught $_[0] signal." );
+ $SIG{$_[0]} = \&pipe_handler;
+# Load client checking functions as defined the $HOSTS checks field
+# Default to old checks if 'checks' is not present (cpu disk msgs jobs [local])
+sub load_checks {
+ if (! defined $CHECKS || ! $CHECKS ) {
+ $CHECKS = 'disk cpu processes logs';
+ if (defined &check_local) { $CHECKS .= ' local'; }
+ };
+ foreach $check (split / /,$CHECKS) {
+ &debug( "Loading client check $check" );
+ eval "require 'Spong/Client/plugins/check_$check';";
+ if ( $@ ) { &error( "Could not load $check check plugin" ); }
+ }
--- /dev/null
+# Spong network monitoring script. This runs various tests against IP based
+# network services (like nntp, smtp, http, pop, etc...) If it can not
+# connect to a service, then it sends a message to the spong server machine
+# about the problems. This script currently checks the following:
+# * ping (try connecting to it period...)
+# * ftp, pop3, smtp, http, nntp, imap (a suite of tcp based services)
+# * dns (if the Net::DNS module is installed)
+# I'm not currently using the non-core Net:: tools since that would require an
+# installation of a seperate perl package, but I probably will at some point
+# History:
+# (1) Ported bb-network.sh script to perl. (Ed Hill Feb 27, 1997)
+# (2) Converted checks to new plugin mechanism (Stephen Johnson May 28, 1999)
+# Added user-configurable escalation mechanism
+use Carp;
+use lib "@@LIBDIR@@";
+use Sys::Hostname;
+use Net::Ping;
+use Socket;
+use Spong::Daemon;
+srand( time() ^ ($$ + ($$ << 15 )) );
+if( $ARGV[0] eq "--debug" ) { $debug = 1; shift; }
+if( $ARGV[0] eq "--restart" ) { $restart = 1; shift; }
+if( $ARGV[0] eq "--kill" ) { $kill = 1; shift; }
+if( $ARGV[0] eq "--nosleep" ) { $nosleep = 1; shift; }
+if( $ARGV[0] eq "--refresh" ) { $nosleep = 1; shift; }
+$me = "@@BINDIR@@/spong-network";
+$conf_file = $ARGV[0] || "@@ETCDIR@@/spong.conf";
+$hosts_file = "@@ETCDIR@@/spong.hosts";
+($HOST) = gethostbyname(&Sys::Hostname::hostname());
+$HOST =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
+&load_config_files(); # Loads the user specified configuration information
+Spong::Daemon::Daemonize() # Daemonize if not signalling or a one-shot
+ unless ($nosleep || $restart || $kill || $debug );
+&handle_signals(); # Set up handlers, and signal the current server if asked
+%PLUGINS = {};
+# Do the various network tests for each host.
+while( 1 ) {
+ foreach $host ( @HOSTS_LIST ) {
+ &debug( "checking network services ($checks) on $host" );
+ my $check;
+ foreach $check (('ping',split(/\s+/,$HOSTS{$host}->{'services'}))) {
+ &do_check($host,$check);
+ }
+ }
+ # If we are suppose to stay alive, then sleep about $SPONGSLEEP seconds, we
+ # add a little randomness so that things don't get in sync and pound the
+ # spong-server. Otherwise, just exit.
+ if( $nosleep ) {
+ last;
+ } else {
+ my $sleep = int($SPONGSLEEP - (.05 * $SPONGSLEEP) +
+ rand(.1 * $SPONGSLEEP));
+ &debug( "sleeping for $sleep seconds" );
+ sleep $sleep;
+ }
+unlink( "$SPONGTMP/spong-client.pid" ) unless $nosleep;
+# This routine performs the checks and determines what status code to send
+# to the spong-server.
+sub do_check {
+ my ($host,$service) = @_;
+ my ( $crit_count);
+ # Get the hosts current color and warning count for service
+ if (defined $HOSTS{$host}->{'service'}->{$service}->{'count'} ) {
+ $crit_count = $HOSTS{$host}->{'service'}->{$service}->{'count'};
+ } else {
+ $crit_count = 0;
+ }
+ # Call the check function as referenced by the PLUGIN hash
+ eval {
+ ($status,$summary,$message) = (&{$PLUGINS{$service}}($host));
+ };
+ if ($@) {
+ &error("No check function defined for $service: $@");
+ return;
+ }
+ my $color;
+ # If current status is critical, increment the critcal count counter
+ # If counter < $CRIT_WARN_LEVEL, reduce status to yellow
+ # else pass a critical as a critical
+ # If current status is not red, reset the critical level counter.
+# if ($status eq 'red') {
+# $crit_count += 1;
+# $color = ($crit_count < $CRIT_WARN_LEVEL) ? 'yellow' : 'red';
+# $summary = "($crit_count/$CRIT_WARN_LEVEL) " . $summary
+# } else {
+ $crit_count = 0;
+ $color = $status;
+# }
+ &debug("$status - $crit_count - $CRIT_WARN_LEVEL - $color - $summary");
+ # Save the critical counter in the host for the service
+# if ($color ne "green") {
+# $HOSTS{$host}->{'service'}->{$service}->{'count'} = $crit_count;
+# } else {
+# undef $HOSTS{$host}->{'service'}->{$service}->{'count'};
+# }
+ &status( $SPONGSERVER, $host, $service, $color, $summary, $message );
+# A generic tcp port checking routine. You give this function a hostname, a
+# port, a message to send (can be ""), a return regular expression string to
+# check for, and the name of the service. This will go out connect to that
+# port and check to make sure you get back expected results.
+sub check_simple {
+ my( $host, $port, $send, $check, $service ) = @_;
+ my( $color, $summary ) = ( "red", "" );
+ my( $attempt, $start, $message, $diff );
+ for $a ( 1..3 ) {
+ $start = time();
+ $message = &check_tcp( $host, $port, $send );
+ $diff = time() - $start;
+ $attempt = $a;
+ if( $message =~ /$check/ ) { $color = "green"; last; }
+ &debug("Attempt $a failed.");
+ }
+ $summary = "$service down" if $color eq "red";
+ $summary = "$service ok - $diff second response time" if $color eq "green";
+ $summary .= ", attempt $attempt" if ($attempt != 1 && $color eq "green");
+ &debug( "$service - $host - $color, $summary" );
+ return( $color, $summary, $message );
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# &check_tcp( HOST, PORT, DATA )
+# This function will make a connection to a port at a given port, and send a
+# message, it will then return what it gets back to the caller of this
+# function.
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+sub check_tcp {
+ my( $addr, $port, $data ) = @_;
+ my( $iaddr, $paddr, $proto, $line, $ip );
+ if( $addr =~ /^\s*((\d+\.){3}\d+)\s*$/ ) {
+ $ip = $addr;
+ } else {
+ my( @addrs ) = (gethostbyname($addr))[4];
+ my( $a, $b, $c, $d ) = unpack( 'C4', $addrs[0] );
+ $ip = "$a.$b.$c.$d";
+ }
+ $iaddr = inet_aton( $ip ) || return -1;
+ $paddr = sockaddr_in( $port, $iaddr );
+ $proto = getprotobyname( 'tcp' );
+ # Set an alarm so that if we can't connect "immediately" it times out.
+ # Poor man's exception handling in perl...
+ $SIG{'ALRM'} = sub { die };
+ alarm(10);
+ eval <<'_EOM_';
+ socket( SOCK, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, $proto ) || return -2;
+ connect( SOCK, $paddr ) || return -3;
+ select((select(SOCK), $| = 1)[0]);
+ print SOCK "$data";
+ recv( SOCK, $line, 256, 0 ); # just grab a chunk from the service.
+ close( SOCK ) || return -4;
+ alarm(0);
+ return $line;
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# This function sends information to the Spong server. It reports the current
+# status of a service, and sends along a string of information that might be
+# helpful in diagnosing the problem. This code is modeled after the bb
+# program, but is a little different in that it handles multi-line messages
+# and send over the time as an int, rather then a string.
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+sub status {
+ my( $addr, $host, $cat, $color, $summary, $message ) = @_;
+ my( $iaddr, $paddr, $proto, $line, $ip, $ok );
+ if( $addr =~ /^\s*((\d+\.){3}\d+)\s*$/ ) {
+ $ip = $addr;
+ } else {
+ my( @addrs ) = (gethostbyname($addr))[4];
+ my( $a, $b, $c, $d ) = unpack( 'C4', $addrs[0] );
+ $ip = "$a.$b.$c.$d";
+ }
+ $iaddr = inet_aton( $ip ) || die "no host: $addr\n";
+ $paddr = sockaddr_in( $SPONG_UPDATE_PORT, $iaddr );
+ $proto = getprotobyname( 'tcp' );
+ # Set an alarm so that if we can't connect "immediately" it times out.
+ $SIG{'ALRM'} = sub { die };
+ alarm(30);
+ eval <<'_EOM_';
+ socket( SOCK, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, $proto ) || die "socket: $!";
+ connect( SOCK, $paddr ) || die "connect: $!";
+ select((select(SOCK), $| = 1)[0]);
+ print SOCK "status $host $cat $color ", time(), " $summary\n";
+ print SOCK "$message\n";
+ close( SOCK ) || die "close: $!";
+ $ok = 1;
+ alarm(0);
+ print STDERR scalar localtime, " can't connect to spong server.\n" if ! $ok;
+# ===========================================================================
+# Utility functions, and signal handlers...
+# ===========================================================================
+# Load our configuration variables, including anything specific to the host
+# that we are running on.
+sub load_config_files {
+ require $conf_file || die "Can't load $conf_file: $!";
+ if( -f "$conf_file.$HOST" ) {
+ require "$conf_file.$HOST" || die "Can't load $conf_file.$HOST: $!";
+ } else {
+ my $tmp = (split( /\./, $HOST ))[0];
+ if( -f "$conf_file.$tmp" ) { # for lazy typist
+ require "$conf_file.$tmp" || die "Can't load $conf_file.$tmp: $!";
+ }
+ }
+ &debug( "configuration file(s) loaded" );
+ # Read in the spong.hosts file. We are a little nasty here in that we do
+ # some junk to scan through the file so that we can maintain the order of
+ # the hosts as they appear in the file.
+ open( HOSTS, $hosts_file ) || die "Can't load $hosts_file: $!";
+ while( <HOSTS> ) {
+ $evalme .= $_;
+ if( /^\s*%HOSTS\s*=\s*\(/ ) { $inhosts = 1; }
+ if( $inhosts && /^\s*[\'\"]?([^\s\'\"]+)[\'\"]?\s*\=\>\s*\{/ ) {
+ push( @HOSTS_LIST, $1 );
+ }
+ }
+ close( HOSTS );
+ eval $evalme || die "Invalid spong.hosts file: $@";
+ # Fallback, if we didn't read things correctly...
+ if( sort @HOSTS_LIST != sort keys %HOSTS ) {
+ @HOSTS_LIST = sort keys %HOSTS; }
+ &debug( "host file loaded" );
+# This is part of the set up code, this sets up the signal handlers, and
+# handles any command line arguments that are given to us that tell us to
+# signal the current running spong-server program.
+sub handle_signals {
+ # Set up some signal handlers to handle our death gracefully, and also
+ # listen for the HUP signal, and if we se that, we re-exec ourself.
+ $SIG{'QUIT'} = \&exit_handler;
+ $SIG{'HUP'} = \&hup_handler;
+ $SIG{'PIPE'} = \&pipe_handler;
+ # If the user gives us the --restart or --kill flags, then we signal the
+ # currently running spong-network process, and tell it to either die, or
+ # re-exec itself (which causes it to re-read it's configuration files.
+ if( $restart || $kill ) {
+ open( PID, "$SPONGTMP/spong-network.pid") || die "Can't find pid: $!";
+ my $pid = <PID>; chomp $pid;
+ close PID;
+ if( $restart ) {
+ &debug( "telling pid $pid to restart" ); kill( 'HUP', $pid ); }
+ if( $kill ) {
+ &debug( "telling pid $pid to die" ); kill( 'QUIT', $pid );}
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ # Write our pid to the spong tmp directory.
+ system( "echo $$ >$SPONGTMP/spong-network.pid" ) unless $nosleep;
+# Output functions, one for debugging information, the other for errors.
+sub debug { print scalar localtime, " ", $_[0], "\n" if $main::debug; }
+sub error { warn scalar localtime(), " Error: ", $_[0], "\n"; }
+# Handle some signals...
+sub exit_handler {
+ &debug( "caught QUIT signal, exiting..." );
+ unlink "$SPONGTMP/spong-network.pid" if "$SPONGTMP/spong-network.pid";
+ exit(0);
+sub hup_handler {
+ &debug( "caught HUP signal, restarting..." );
+ unlink "$SPONGTMP/spong-network.pid" if "$SPONGTMP/spong-network.pid";
+ if( $debug ) { exec $me, "--debug"; } else { exec $me; }
+sub pipe_handler {
+ wait();
+ &debug( "caught $_[0] signal." );
+ $SIG{$_[0]} = \&pipe_handler;
+# This is a tempory kludge until I create the check function plugins
+# mechanism
+sub config_funcs {
+# $PLUGINS{'ping'} = \&check_ping;
+# $PLUGINS{'ftp'} = \&check_ftp;
+# $PLUGINS{'pop'} = \&check_pop;
+# $PLUGINS{'smtp'} = \&check_smtp;
+# $PLUGINS{'nntp'} = \&check_nntp;
+# $PLUGINS{'imap'} = \&check_imap;
+# $PLUGINS{'dns'} = \&check_dns;
+# $PLUGINS{'http'} = \&check_http;
+# $PLUGINS{'nfs'} = \&check_nfs;
+ # Consolidate all of the service to be checked into a unique list
+ my (%checks,$check);
+ foreach $host ( @HOSTS_LIST ) {
+ foreach $check (split(/\s+/,$HOSTS{$host}->{'services'})) {
+ $checks{$check} = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ my $plugin;
+ foreach $plugin ( ('ping',keys(%checks)) ) {
+ &debug("Loading $plugin plugin");
+ eval "require 'Spong/Network/plugins/check_$plugin';";
+ if ( $@ ) { &error("Could not load $plugin plugin: $@"); }
+ }
+# Fork into the backgroup and disconnect our console and become
+# the session group leader
+sub daemonize {
+ my ($pid);
+ # Try to fork
+ $pid = fork();
+ if (! defined $pid) {
+ die "ERROR: Could not fork: $!";
+ } elsif ($pid) {
+ # I'm the parent, so just exit gracefully
+ exit(0);
+ } else {
+ # I'm the child
+ # Disconnect from the console
+ open(STDIN,"</dev/null");
+ open(STDOUT,">/dev/null");
+ open(STDERR,">/dev/null");
+ # Become session group leader
+ POSIX::setsid();
+ }