--- /dev/null
+These are some tools I've thrown together to help me use Gnucash
+to its full advantage.
+They are provided whereis, as is, if you fail to pay a huge bill
+then that's your fault, I won't accept any blame or liability!
+ Import txns from specified accounts into a CalDAV calendar.
+ It will search for txns in the speicifed accounts that have
+ "To Do", "DD" or "AP" in the number field and load them
+ into the specified CalDAV calendar.
+ It will only update or delete entries that it has created.
+ You need to have the caldav Python library installed. It
+ is available from http://bitbucket.org/cyrilrbt/caldav
+ This tool has so far only been tested against DAViCal
+ from http://davical.org .
+ Example syntax:
+ python find_todo.py -f gnucash_file \
+ -u "https://username:password@calendar.etc.gen.nz/caldav.php/todo/home" \
+ "Assets:Current Assets:Bank:Joint Cheque" \
+ "Assets:Current Assets:Bank:Andrew Cheque"
+The authorative source for these tools is:
+ http://www.etc.gen.nz/projects/gnucash
+Andrew Ruthven