--- /dev/null
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Generic SPONG settings, specifies where files are kept, etc...
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# $Id: spong.conf.in,v 1.6 2005/11/15 12:38:22 scriptkiller Exp $
+$SPONGSLEEP = 300; # Sleep time between check cycles. Depreciated
+# New config for specifying $SPONGSLEEP times, 'DEFAULT' value is used if not
+# Overridden by program specific value.
+# $SPONGSLEEP{'spong-network'} = 60; # Uncomment and change any of these
+# $SPONGSLEEP{'spong-server'} = 120; # values to override the 'DEFAULT'
+# $SPONGSLEEP{'spong-client'} = 300; # with the named program
+$SPONGSERVER = "spong-server.example.com";
+$SPONGDB = "/usr/local/spong/var/database";
+$SPONGTMP = "/usr/local/spong/tmp";
+$SPONGLOG = "/usr/local/spong/log";
+# Keep status updates which cause generate an event (i.e. change of status)
+# (Note: This option generate large amounts of data. Use with caution.)
+$SPONG_LOG_FILE = 1; # Log output to log file for spong-program in $SPONGTMP
+$SPONG_LOG_SYSLOG = 0; # Log output to syslog
+$SPONG_SERVER_ALARM = 10; # Timeout for spong-server connection in seconds
+ # Set to 0 to disable
+# Number of frames to use in Web Displays
+# 1: display only data
+# 2: display GROUPS- or HOST-View in left frame, display data
+# in right frame
+# 3: same as 2 but also including a title-frame on top of the others
+$WWWFRAMES = 3; # Can be 1, 2 or 3, defaults to 2
+# This specifies where main content is displayed.
+# Only useful if you use spong with $WWWFRAMES set to 1 and
+# have spong embedded in some other web-based system.
+# Set this to "right" if you don't use this feature!
+# Title Frame Size (if $WWWFRAMES = 3) (In HTML Frame size specs)
+$WWW_TITLE_SIZE = "40";
+# Set to show long host names on Host Summary web display
+$WWW_FQDN = 1;
+$WWWGIFS = "/spong/gifs"; # URL to www/gifs dir
+$WWWDOCS = "/spong/docs"; # URL to www/docs dir
+$WWWHTML = "/usr/local/spong/www/html"; # File path to SPONG/www dir
+$WWWSPONG = "/cgi-bin/www-spong"; # URL path to www-spong program
+$WWWACK = "/cgi-bin/www-spong-ack"; # URL path to www-spong-ack pgm
+$WAPSPONG = "/cgi-bin/wap-spong"; # URL path to wap-spong pgm
+ # BETA version of this feature
+#$WWWCONTACT = "/spong/page.cgi"; # This CGI script is not provided. See
+ # the admin-guide for more infomation
+# Customized link(s) that can be added to the Host Display (right frame)
+# '<a href=\"http://main-ops.dummy.com:1400/ldapsearch?query=cn $name ' .
+# 'ou=Inventory o=Dummy Inc o=My State o=US\">Machine Info</a>';
+ <a href=\"/spong-rrd/$name/index.html\">Charts</a> ||
+ <a href=\"/cgi-bin/sysquery.pl?target=$name\">Summary</a>';
+# Customizable link that can be added to Host Problems displays (left frame)
+ # actionbar
+# Customizable action bar of Title Frame (only if $WWWFRAMES = 3)
+$WWW_TITLE_ACTIONBAR = ' <b>Extended ActionBar: </b> ' .
+' <a href="/spong-rrd/index.html" target="right">Spong RRD Charts</a> ' .
+' || <a href="/cgi-bin/sysquery.pl?target=showall" target="right">System Summaries</a>';
+# This is the default of the www-spong CGI program. Possible values are
+# 'GROUPS' or 'HOSTS'
+# Date and time format strings. These are strftime() format variables
+$DATEFMT = "%m/%d/%y"; # MM/DD/YY
+$TIMEFMT = "%H:%M:%S"; # HH:MM:SS
+$DATETIMEFMT = "%c"; # scalar localtime() format
+$WWW_TITLE_COLOR = "#9999ff"; # Background color for table title cells
+$WWW_CELL_COLOR = "#cccccc"; # Background color for table detail cells
+# Set to 1 if you want to use images in output
+$WWW_COLOR{"red"} = "#cc0000";
+$WWW_COLOR{"yellow"} = "#ffff00";
+$WWW_COLOR{"green"} = "#339900";
+$WWW_COLOR{"purple"} = "#990099";
+$WWW_COLOR{"blue"} = "#0000ff";
+@WWW_REFRESH_ALLOW = ( '.*' );
+# You should not have to changes these settings
+$SERVICELISTFIX = 0; # Set this if host not displaying service status
+$HOSTGROUPALL = 0; # Set this to include the ALL group on Group Web
+ # displays
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# spong-cleanup parameters
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+$SPONG_ARCHIVE = "/usr/local/spong/var/archives"; # Where to put the old
+ # history entries
+$OLD_SERVICE = 3; # How many days to keep stale status reported before
+ # removal
+$OLD_HISTORY = 7; # How many days of history to keep for each host
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# spong-network parameters
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+$CRIT_WARN_LEVEL = 1; # Number of critical failures before a service
+ # is reported as a critical
+$RECHECKSLEEP = 15; # Sleep time in seconds for down services recheck
+ # loop. Only effective if $CRIT_WARN_LEVEL is
+ # greater then 1
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Thresholds, season to taste. These can be overridden on a host by host
+# case in a spong.conf.<hostname> file.
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+$CHECKS = 'disk cpu processes logs'; # The client checks to run
+# Not supported in all configs: 'memory'
+$MAILQCRIT = 100;
+@DFIGNORE = ( "cd\d", "cdrom", ":", "proc" ); # List of raw fs's to ignore (regex)
+$DFWARN{"ALL"} = 90; # Size to warn (yellow) on
+$DFCRIT{"ALL"} = 95; # Size to panic (red) on
+$DFWARN{"/usr"} = 95; # Some specifics...
+$DFCRIT{"/usr"} = 98;
+$DFWARN{"page"} = 50;
+$DFCRIT{"page"} = 80;
+$CPUWARN = 3.0; # Warn at load avg of 3.0
+$CPUCRIT = 5.0; # Panic at load avg of 5.0
+$MEMWARN = 90; # Warn at 90% memory usage
+$MEMCRIT = 95; # Panic at 95% memory usage
+@PROCSWARN = ("xntpd");
+@PROCSCRIT = ("sendmail","httpd","mysqld","stidserver");
+# $LOGWARN{"/var/log/messages"} = [ "WARNING" ];
+# $LOGCRIT{"/var/log/messages"} = [ "NOTICE" ];
+# New Logmon configure syntax.
+# The Syntax is much more complex than the old code, but it is inifinity more
+# configurable.
+# The top level varable ($LOGCHECKS) is a list of anonymous hashes
+# (i.e. $LOGCHECKS is list of references to hashes).
+# $LOGCHECKS = [ {hash}, {hash}, ];
+# Each hash look like the following:
+# { logfile =>'/var/adm/messages',
+# checks => [
+# { pattern =>'WARNING:(.*)', # Perl RegExp to look fo
+# status =>'red', # Color to report 'green',
+# # 'yellow',or 'red'
+# duration =>60, # Number of minutes to report
+# # events
+# text =>'WARNING: $1', # Detail text to display. You
+# # can use position var from
+# # the regexp in the pattern
+# },
+# { pattern =>'SU\s+(\S+)',
+# status =>'yellow',
+# duration =>10,
+# text =>'SU to user $1',
+# id =>'SU', # The id field is optional. It
+# # is used to assign an internal
+# # key to events. Normally the
+# # the text field is used as the
+# # key. The is field can used to
+# # collapse multiple events to 1.
+# },
+$LOGCHECKS = [ { 'logfile' => '/var/log/messages',
+ 'checks' => [ { pattern=>'WARNING:(.*)',
+ status=> 'red',
+ duration=>60,
+ text=>'WARNING: $1',
+ },
+ ],
+ }
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# More configuration information - these variables are for the spong-network
+# program, where the ones above are for the spong-client programs.
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# URL's for for http check. These configuations use HTTP 1.1 for testing.
+# The '_HOST_' string is replaced by the hostname as defined in spong.hosts.
+# The 'DEFAULT' entry is used for testing all hosts if not overriden.
+$HTTPURLS{"DEFAULT"} = [ "http://_HOST_/" ];
+$HTTPURLS{"aptest.my-inc.com"} = [ "http://_HOST_/",
+ "http://webtest.my-inc.com:8080/login.php3",
+ "http://_HOST_:8000/newapp/register.html",
+ ];
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# MySQL plugin
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+$MYSQLADMIN = "/usr/bin/mysqladmin -h";
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Just a little more configuration information - these variables are for
+# the spong-message program.
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# This variable controls notifications on status changes
+ # or RED-CHANGE or NONE;
+# This varirable controls whether 'page' messages are allowed or not
+# This controls the max number of contact can receive in an hour
+# This controls the max number of times the same message is send in an hour
+1; # I'm a file that gets included in perl code - leave this 1 here...