use Text::CSV_XS;
use MIME::Entity;
+use MIME::Types;
my $dir = undef;
my $vars = "";
'dir=s' => \$dir,
'v|vars=s' => \$vars,
+ 'verbose' => \$verbose,
't|template=s' => \$template,
- 'verbose' => \$verbose,
- 's|send' => \$send,
+ 's|send' => \$send,
# If we're given a directory then look for the merge files in there.
die "Nothing in $vars!" unless @$headers;
+my $mimetypes;
+if ($tmplData->{'attachment_col'}) {
+ die "You've specified an attachment column, but it isn't present!\n"
+ unless grep {/$tmplData->{'attachment_col'}/} @$headers;
while (my $cols = $csv->getline_hr($IN) ) {
last unless %$cols;
+ my $file_to_attach;
+ if ($tmplData->{'attachment_col'} || $tmplData->{'attachment'}) {
+ my $source = defined $tmplData->{'attachment_col'}
+ ? $cols->{$tmplData->{'attachment_col'}}
+ : $tmplData->{'attachment'};
+ if (! $tt->process(\$source, $cols, \$file_to_attach)) {
+ die "Failed to parse $source.\n";
+ }
+ if (! -f $file_to_attach && -f "$dir/$file_to_attach") {
+ $file_to_attach = "$dir/$file_to_attach";
+ }
+ if (! -r $file_to_attach) {
+ die "Sorry, I can't find $file_to_attach to attach.\n";
+ }
+ }
if ($verbose) {
print "Subject: $tmplData->{'subject'}\n";
print "From: $tmplData->{'from'}\n";
+ print "Attachment: $file_to_attach\n" if defined $file_to_attach;
print $out;
print "\n\n";
# If we're sending email, then send it, optionally with a BCC.
print "Sending to $email_address" .
($bcc ? "\n BCC " . (ref($bcc) eq 'ARRAY' ? join(", ", @{$bcc}) : $bcc) . " " : '') .
- ($cc ? "\n cC " . (ref($cc) eq 'ARRAY' ? join(", ", @{$cc}) : $cc) . " " : '') . "\n";
+ ($cc ? "\n cC " . (ref($cc) eq 'ARRAY' ? join(", ", @{$cc}) : $cc) . " " : '') . "\n";
my @emails = ( $email_address );
+ my %fields;
+ if ($file_to_attach) {
+ $fields{'Type'} = "multipart/mixed";
+ } else {
+ $fields{'Encoding'} = "quoted-printable";
+ $fields{'Data'} = $out;
+ }
my $mail = MIME::Entity->build(
To => \@emails,
From => $tmplData->{'from'},
Subject => $tmplData->{'subject'},
Bcc => $tmplData->{'bcc'},
Cc => $tmplData->{'bc'},
- Encoding=> "quoted-printable",
- Data => $out
+ %fields
+ if ($file_to_attach) {
+ $mail->attach( Data => $out );
+ $mimetypes ||= MIME::Types->new();
+ my $file_type = $mimetypes->mimeTypeOf($file_to_attach);
+ $mail->attach(
+ Path => $file_to_attach,
+ Encoding => "base64",
+ Type => $file_type || 'application/octet-stream',
+ );
+ }
} else {
# Say who we want to send to.
print "Want to send to: $email_address" .
(defined $bcc ? "\n BCC " . (ref($bcc) eq 'ARRAY' ? join(", ", @{$bcc}) : $bcc) . " " : '') .
- (defined $cc ? "\n CC " . (ref($cc) eq 'ARRAY' ? join(", ", @{$cc}) : $cc) . " " : '') . "\n";
+ (defined $cc ? "\n CC " . (ref($cc) eq 'ARRAY' ? join(", ", @{$cc}) : $cc) . " " : '') . "\n";