--- /dev/null
+# gethost-test - This program can be used to test whether you system is setup
+# to get it's fully qualified domain name.
+use Sys::Hostname;
+# Get our hostname and try to get fully qualified domain name
+$host = &Sys::Hostname::hostname();
+print "\nHost name found to be - $host \n\n";
+($HOST) = gethostbyname($host);
+print "gethostbyname() says my host name is - $HOST \n\n";
+@parts = split(/\./,$HOST);
+if ( $#parts + 1 >= 3 ) {
+ print "I have apparently found a fully qualified domain name.\n" .
+ "\"$HOST\" should be the name given for this host in the\n" .
+ "spong.hosts configuration file.\n\n";
+} else {
+ print "I didn't find a fully qualified host name. You will have trouble
+getting spong-server to recognize this host. You have couple of options
+ 1) In your \"/etc/hosts\" file make sure that the first name after your
+ host's ip address is a fully qualify domain name.
+ 2) Name sure your host is defined in your DNS servers and make sure that
+ 'dns' is before 'files' on the 'hosts:' line of your \"/etc/nsswitch\"
+ file or your OS's equivalent file. You want the resolver to look in
+ DNS before the \"/etc/hosts\" file.\n\n";