my $auto_expire_count = 10; # How many auto expire shows to display.
my $recording_in_warn = 60 * 60; # When is the next recording considered critical? (seconds)
+# What units we have available for converting diskspaces.
+my @size_thresholds = (
+ {
+ 'unit' => 'TB',
+ 'threshold' => 50 * 1024 * 1024, # Someone might have more than 50TB!
+ 'conversion' => 1024 * 1024,
+ },
+ {
+ 'unit' => 'GB',
+ 'threshold' => 50 * 1024, # 50GB seems like a good threshold.
+ 'conversion' => 1024,
+ },
+ {
+ 'unit' => 'MB',
+ },
+ );
my $return_code_only = 0;
my $VERSION = '0.9.1';
'protocol_version' => [ "<= 31" ],
'attrs' => [ qw/_total_total _total_used/ ],
'commify' => [ qw/_total_total _total_used/ ],
- 'template' => "Total space is ___total_total__ MB, with ___total_used__ MB used (__percent__)",
+ 'human_readable_sizes' => [ qw/_total_total _total_used/ ],
+ 'template' => "Total space is ___total_total__ ___total_total_unit__, with ___total_used__ ___total_used_unit__ used (__percent__)",
'format' => 'one line',
'optional' => 1,
'subs' => {
'percent' => sub {
calc_disk_space_percentage($_[0]->{'_total_used'}, $_[0]->{'_total_total'})
- }
+ },
'xml_version' => [ "== 0" ],
'attrs' => [ qw/drive_total_total drive_total_used/ ],
'commify' => [ qw/drive_total_total drive_total_used/ ],
- 'template' => "Total space is __drive_total_total__ MB, with __drive_total_used__ MB used (__percent__)",
+ 'human_readable_sizes' => [ qw/drive_total_total drive_total_used/ ],
+ 'template' => "Total space is __drive_total_total__ __drive_total_total_unit__, with __drive_total_used__ __drive_total_used_unit__ used (__percent__)",
'format' => 'one line',
'optional' => 1,
'subs' => {
'protocol_version' => [ ">= 39" ],
'attrs' => [ qw/total used/ ],
'commify' => [ qw/total used/ ],
- 'template' => "Total space is __total__ MB, with __used__ MB used (__percent__)",
+ 'human_readable_sizes' => [ qw/total used/ ],
+ 'template' => "Total space is __total__ __total_unit__, with __used__ __used_unit__ used (__percent__)",
'format' => 'one line',
'optional' => 1,
'subs' => {
'protocol_version' => [ ">= 39" ],
'attrs' => [ qw/id total used/ ],
'commify' => [ qw/total used/ ],
- 'template' => "Total space for group __id__ is __total__ MB, with __used__ MB used (__percent__)",
+ 'human_readable_sizes' => [ qw/total used/ ],
+ 'template' => "Total space for group __id__ is __total__ __total_unit__, with __used__ __used_unit__ used (__percent__)",
'filter' => {
'id' => sub { return $_[0] eq 'total' },
'used' => sub {
my $template = $block->{'template'};
my $skip = undef;
my ($key, $value);
+ # Convert disk spaces into more suitable units.
+ if (defined $block->{'human_readable_sizes'}) {
+ for my $key (@{ $block->{'human_readable_sizes'}}) {
+ for my $unit (@size_thresholds) {
+ if (defined $unit->{'threshold'}) {
+ if ($vars->{$key} > $unit->{'threshold'}) {
+ $vars->{$key} = sprintf("%.1f", $vars->{$key} / $unit->{'conversion'});
+ $vars->{"${key}_unit"} = $unit->{'unit'};
+ last;
+ }
+ } else {
+ $vars->{"${key}_unit"} = $unit->{'unit'};
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
while (($key, $value) = (each %{ $vars })) {
if (! defined $value) {
if ($block->{'optional'}) {
$skip = 1
if defined $block->{'filter'}{$key} &&
- &{ $block->{'filter'}{$key} }($value, $vars);
+ &{ $block->{'filter'}{$key} }($value, $vars);
if (defined $block->{'rewrite'}{"/$key/"}) {
my ($search, $replace);