--- /dev/null
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# OS Specific variables. A few external programs are used by spong-client,
+# spong-network, and spong-message. Chances are these differ from OS to OS.
+# A couple of things to watch for.
+# $DF Your df command should output %used as the first column with a '%'
+# $PS You really want you ps command to return sorted via CPU usage
+# $PING Make sure your ping command only pings a finite number of times
+# and since some ping command want args after the host, put the
+# word HOST where you need the host to be in your ping command
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+$DF = "/usr/ucb/df";
+$UPTIME = "/usr/bin/uptime";
+$PS = "/usr/bin/ps -ef";
+$GREP = "/usr/bin/grep";
+$PING = "/usr/sbin/ping -n HOST 1024 2";
+$TRACEROUTE = "/usr/bin/traceroute";
+$SENDMAIL = "/usr/lib/sendmail -t";
+$MAILQ = "/usr/lib/sendmail -bp";
+undef $LSPS;
+# Routine to calculate swap space for Solaris
+sub get_swap {
+ my ( $msg, $page, $avail, $used);
+ open (FOO,"-|") or exec "/usr/sbin/swap -s";
+ $msg = <FOO>;
+ $used = 0; $avail = 0; $page = 0;
+ if ( $msg =~ /\=\s(\d+)\D.*\s(\d+)/ ) {
+ ($used, $avail) = ($1,$2);
+ $page = int($used / ($avail+$used) * 100);
+ } else { $msg = "Unexpected output of swap -s command:\n" . $msg; }
+ close FOO;
+ return ($msg, $page);
+1; # I'm a file that gets included in perl code - leave this 1 here...