--- /dev/null
+# This module encapsulated a standard set of Logging functions that Spong
+# programs use as. This module uses Logger objects for handling the actual
+# logging procedures.
+# methods
+# error_context_init() - Initialize error output context
+# debug_context_init() - Initialize debug output context
+# error() - output an error entry
+# debug() - output a debug entry
+package Spong::Log;
+use strict;
+use Carp;
+use IO::Socket;
+use Spong::Logger;
+require Exporter;
+use vars qw(@ISA @EXPORT_OK $VERSION);
+@ISA = qw(Exporter);
+@EXPORT_OK = qw(error debug);
+$VERSION = 0.01;
+my($stdout, $stderr, $syslog, $ident, $facility, $logopt, $priority);
+# Call the set context functions to initialize default values
+# This function is used to set the debug logging context
+sub set_debug_context {
+ my( %arg ) = @_;
+ $debuglevel = defined $arg{debuglevel} ? $arg{debuglevel} : 0;
+# This function used to set the error logging context
+sub set_error_context {
+ my( %arg ) = @_;
+ $stdout = defined $arg{stdout} ? $arg{stdout} : 0;
+ $stderr = defined $arg{stderr} ? $arg{stderr} : 1;
+ $syslog = defined $arg{syslog} ? $arg{syslog} : 0;
+ $ident = defined $arg{ident} ? $arg{ident} : "";
+ $facility = defined $arg{facility} ? $arg{facility} : 'user';
+ $logopt = defined $arg{logopt} ? $arg{logopt} : "";
+ $priority = defined $arg{priority} ? $arg{priority} : 'info';
+ $filename = $arg{filename} if defined $arg{filename};
+# Function create a logger object with the current error context
+sub open_error_log {
+ $errlog = new Spong::Logger( stdout => $stdout,
+ stderr => $stderr,
+ syslog => $syslog,
+ ident => $ident,
+ facility => $facility,
+ priority => $priority,
+ filename => $filename,
+ );
+ if (! defined $errlog ) {
+ croak "Could not create error logger: $!";
+ return 1;
+ }
+# Function closes the error log by undefineding the error logger object
+sub close_error_log {
+ undef $errlog;
+sub error {
+ my( $message ) = @_;
+ # if the error logger is not defined, create it.
+ if ( ! defined $errlog ) { &open_error_log(); }
+ $errlog->log("Error: $message");
+sub debug {
+ my ($message,$level) = @_;
+ $level = 1 if (! defined $level); # Default to level 1
+ print scalar localtime, " ", $message, "\n" if $debuglevel >= $level;
+1; # I'm included perl code, I need this line
--- /dev/null
+# This module is a more generalzed debugging facility. It can be configured
+# to log information to serveral different facilities, stdout, stderr,
+# syslog and/or a file.
+# The logger object is initialized with following key-value pairs.
+# stdout Log to Stdout
+# stderr Log to Stderr
+# filename File name to log entries into
+# syslog Log to syslog
+# ident Identity argument for openlog()
+# facility Syslog facility to log to Defaults to 'user'
+# priority Default syslog priority to log Defaults to 'notice'
+# logopt Log Options parameter for openlog()
+# Functions
+# log(msg [, pri]) Log an entry
+# Where
+# msg is message to log
+# pri is priority to use in syslog
+package Spong::Logger;
+use Sys::Syslog qw(:DEFAULT setlogsock);
+use FileHandle;
+use Carp;
+# Constructor. A simple constructor that just sets all of the instance vars
+# according to what was passed in.
+sub new {
+ my( $proto, %arg ) = @_;
+ my( $class ) = ref($proto) || $proto;
+ my $self = {};
+ $self->{'stdout'} = defined $arg{stdout} ? $arg{stdout} : 0;
+ $self->{'stderr'} = defined $arg{stderr} ? $arg{stderr} : 0;
+ $self->{'syslog'} = defined $arg{syslog} ? $arg{syslog} : 0;
+ $self->{'ident'} = defined $arg{ident} ? $arg{ident} : "";
+ $self->{'facility'} = defined $arg{facility} ? $arg{facility} : 'user';
+ $self->{'logopt'} = defined $arg{logopt} ? $arg{logopt} : "";
+ $self->{'priority'} = defined $arg{priority} ? $arg{priority} : 'info';
+ $self->{'filename'} = $arg{filename} if defined $arg{filename};
+ # If we are logging to syslog, open a proper channel
+ if ($self->{'syslog'}) {
+ setlogsock 'unix';
+ }
+ # If we are logging to a file, open the file
+ if ( defined $self->{'filename'} && $self->{'filename'} ne "" ) {
+ $self->{'fh'} = new FileHandle ">> " . $arg{filename};
+ if (! defined $self->{'fh'} ) {
+ warn "Could not open file $arg{filename}";
+ } else {
+ $self->{'fh'}->autoflush(1);
+ }
+ }
+ bless ($self,$class);
+ return $self;
+sub DESTROY {
+ my( $self ) = @_;
+ # If were are logging to a file, close it
+ if (defined $self->{'fh'}) { $self->{'fh'}->close();}
+ # And if using syslog, closelog for completion
+ if ( $self->{'syslog'} ) { closelog(); }
+sub log {
+ my( $self, $message, $pri ) = @_;
+ $pri = $self->{priority} if ! defined $pri;
+ if ($self->{stdout}) { print scalar localtime() , " ", $message,"\n"; }
+ if ($self->{stderr}) { print STDERR scalar localtime(), " ",$message,"\n"; }
+ if ($self->{syslog}) {
+ openlog $self->{'ident'},$self->{'logopt'},$self->{'facility'};
+ syslog $pri,$message,'';
+ closelog;
+ }
+ if ($self->{'fh'} ) {
+ my $fh = $self->{'fh'};
+ print $fh scalar(localtime())," ",$message,"\n";
+ }
+1; # I'm included perl code, I need this line