--- /dev/null
+# Register the routine with the plugin registry
+$PLUGINS{'mysql'} = \&check_mysql;
+# This will check the status of MySQL on a system. It uses
+# the mysqladmin command to query the server.
+# Place this file in $SPONGHOME/lib/Spong/Network/plugins and add
+# $MYSQLADMIN = "/usr/bin/mysqladmin -h";
+# $DBUSER = "user";
+# $DBPASS = "password";
+# to spong.conf.
+# Miles Lott <milos@insync.net>
+$DBPORT = "";
+sub check_mysql {
+ my( $host ) = @_;
+ my( $color, $summary, $message ) = ( "green", "Server OK", "" );
+ if (defined($HOSTS{$host}{'mysql_port'}) ) {
+ $DBPORT = "-P " . $HOSTS{$host}{'mysql_port'};
+ }
+ open (MYSQL,"$MYSQLADMIN $host $DBPORT status -u$DBUSER -p$DBPASS 2>&1 |") || warn "Could not exec $MYSQLADMIN for status info.";
+ while (<MYSQL>) {
+ $message .= $_;
+ if (/Can\'t connect/) {
+ $color = "red"; $summary = "Server is unreachable.";
+ }
+ if (/Access denied/) {
+ $color = "yellow"; $summary = "Server is up, but access is denied.";
+ }
+ }
+ &debug( "mysql - $host - $color, $summary" );
+ return( $color, $summary, $message );