qualified domain name. To add in this check is a little perl test
program <b>gethost-test</b> from in the "utils" directory of the Spong
distribution. Just run it from a command line by entering <i>perl gethost-test.</i>
-It test to see is the server can resolve it's fully qualified domain name.
+It tests to see is the host can resolve it's fully qualified domain name.
If it can't then it will advise you on ways to fix the problem.
Installation - Client</h2>
-For each client machine you will need to install the just the spong-client
-and a spong.conf file and make sure they start up when your system is rebooted.
+For each client machine you will need to install the the package just like a
+te server installation described above. After the './build install' step
+is done, you can remove a number of directories that are not needed by
+spong-client. (Assuming a standard installation directory). <br>
+<li> www/
+<li> cgi-bin/
+<P>The only configuration file that you have to edit is the spong.conf file.
+<P> If your have a number of like clients with the same OS your can copy
+the entire installation directory tree from an installed client to other
+clients. You can use tar+ftp, rcp, rdist or whatever mechamism your would
+normally use. Just be sure the Spong installation directory into the same
+location as the original client.
<hr WIDTH="100%">
documentation for more information.
<a NAME="character-interface"></a>COMMAND LINE USER INTERFACE</h1>
+The command line interface is provided by the <a href="spong.html><b>spong</b>
+</a> program. It has all of the same displays that the Web Interface provides.
+The <b>spong</b> program is run with 0, 1 or 2 paramters from a shell prompt. For more
+information run the <b>spong</b> program with the --help parameters or refer to
+the <a href="spong.html"><b>spong</b></a> documentation.
<a NAME="acks"></a>ACKNOWLEDGMENTS</h1>