my $guide_days_warn = 2; # How many days we require.
my $auto_expire_count = 10; # How many auto expire shows to display.
-my $VERSION = '0.7.2';
+my $VERSION = '0.7.3';
# Some display blocks are disabled by default:
$display{'Shows due to Auto Expire'} = 0;
'name' => 'Total Disk Space',
'type' => 'xpath',
'xpath' => '//Status/MachineInfo/Storage',
- 'protocol_version' => [ ">= 32", "<= 39" ],
+ 'protocol_version' => [ ">= 32" ],
'xml_version' => [ "== 0" ],
'attrs' => [ qw/drive_total_total drive_total_used/ ],
'commify' => [ qw/drive_total_total drive_total_used/ ],
'name' => 'Total Disk Space',
'type' => 'xpath',
'xpath' => '//Status/MachineInfo/Storage/Group[@id="total"]',
- 'protocol_version' => [ ">= 40" ],
- 'xml_version' => [ "> 0" ],
+ 'protocol_version' => [ ">= 39" ],
'attrs' => [ qw/total used/ ],
'commify' => [ qw/total used/ ],
'template' => "Total space is __total__ MB, with __used__ MB used (__percent__)",
'name' => 'Disk Space',
'type' => 'xpath',
'xpath' => '//Status/MachineInfo/Storage/Group',
- 'protocol_version' => [ ">= 38" ],
- 'xml_version' => [ "> 0" ],
+ 'protocol_version' => [ ">= 39" ],
'attrs' => [ qw/id total used/ ],
'commify' => [ qw/total used/ ],
'template' => "Total space for group __id__ is __total__ MB, with __used__ MB used (__percent__)",