my $description = undef;
my $episode = undef;
my $colour = undef;
+my %display;
my $VERSION = '0.5';
'h|host=s' => \$host,
'p|port=s' => \$port,
'v|version' => \&print_version,
+ 'status!' => \$display{'Status'},
+ 'encoders!' => \$display{'Encoders'},
+ 'recording_now!' => \$display{'Recording Now'},
+ 'scheduled_recordings!' => \$display{'Scheduled Recordings'},
+ 'schedule_conflicts!' => \$display{'Schedule Conflicts'},
+ 'next_recording!' => \$display{'Time till next recording'},
die "Sorry, port isn't a number.\n"
'name' => 'Recording Now',
'type' => 'xpath',
'xpath' => "//Status/Encoders/Encoder/Program",
+ 'hide' => 'after',
'attrs' => [ qw/title endTime/ ],
'template' => "__title__ (Ends: __endTime__)",
'rewrite' => {
'type' => 'xpath',
'xpath' => '//Status/Scheduled/Program',
'defaults' => 'schedule',
+ 'hide' => 'after',
'subs' => {
'find_next' => sub {
my $vars = shift;
for my $block (@blocks) {
$block->{'format'} ||= 'multi line';
+ my $hide = undef;
+ if (defined $display{ $block->{'name'} }
+ && $display{ $block->{'name'} } == 0) {
+ if (defined $block->{'hide'} && lc($block->{'hide'}) eq 'after') {
+ $hide = 1;
+ } else {
+ next;
+ }
+ }
# We might need to set some defaults.
if (defined $block->{'defaults'}) {
for my $field (keys %{ $defaults{ $block->{'defaults'} } }) {
$output = substitute_vars($block, { 'next_time' => $next_time });
- if (defined $output && $output ne '') {
+ if (defined $output && $output ne '' && ! defined $hide) {
print "$block->{'name'}:" . ($block->{'format'} eq 'one line' ? ' ' : "\n");
print $output . "\n\n";
The host to check, defaults to localhost.
+=item B<--nostatus>, B<--noencoders>, B<--norecording_now>, B<--noscheduled_recordings>, B<--noschedule_conflicts>, B<--nonext_recording>
+Suppress displaying blocks of the output if they would normally be displayed.
=item B<-p PORT, --port=PORT>
The port to use when connecting to MythTV, defaults to 6544.