--- /dev/null
+# This program can be used to send Status update messages to the Spong Server
+# from shell scripts or other external programs.
+use POSIX;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use FileHandle;
+use lib "@@LIBDIR@@";
+use Spong::Status;
+# Load our configuration variables, including the user specified configuration
+# information (spong.conf, spong.hosts, and spong.groups files).
+$conf_file = "@@ETCDIR@@/spong.conf";
+&load_config_files(); # Loads the user specified configuration information
+# Get the user options and spit back a usage message if they do something silly
+@options = ( "help", "host=s", "service=s", "color|status=s", "summary=s",
+ "cmd=s", "message=s", "ttl=i", "file=s" );
+if( ! GetOptions( \%opt, @options ) ) { warn "Incorrect usage:\n\n"; &help(); }
+&help if defined $opt{'help'};
+#$opt{'cmd'} = 'status' if ! defined $opt{'cmd'};
+#if ( $opt{'cmd'} !~ /^(status)$/) { warn "Invalid --cmd\n\n;" &help(); }
+#if ( ! defined $opt{'host'} ) { warn "--host is required\n\n"; &help(); }
+#if ( ! defined $opt{'service'} ) { warn "--service is required\n\n"; &help(); }
+#if ( $opt{'color'} !~ /(red|yellow|green)/ ) {
+# warn "Invalid status color. Must be red, yellow or green.\n\n"; &help(); }
+#if ( ! defined $opt{'summary'} ) { warn "--summary is required."; &help(); }
+my($cmd, $host, $service, $color, $summary, $ttl) = @ARGV;
+if (! $cmd && defined $opt{'cmd'}) { $cmd = $opt{'cmd'}; }
+if ( $cmd !~ m/status/ ) { warn "Invalid cmd\n\n"; &help(); }
+if ( ! $host && defined $opt{'host'} ) { $host = $opt{'host'}; }
+if ( ! $host ) { warn "Host is required\n\n"; &help(); }
+if ( ! $service && defined $opt{'service'} ) { $service = $opt{'service'}; }
+if ( ! $service ) { warn "Service name is required\n\n"; &help(); }
+if ( ! $color && defined $opt{'color'} ) { $color = $opt{'color'}; }
+if ( $color !~ /red|yellow|green/ ) {
+ warn "Invalid status color. Must be green, yellow, or red.\n\n";
+if ( ! $summary && defined $opt{'summary'} ) { $summary = $opt{'summary'}; }
+if ( ! $summary ) { warn "Summary text is required\n\n"; &help(); }
+if ( ! defined $opt{'message'} && ! defined $opt{'file'} ) {
+ warn "--message or --file is required\n\n"; &help(); }
+if ( defined $opt{'message'} && defined $opt{'file'} ) {
+ warn "Only one of --message or --file can be specified\n\n"; &help(); }
+$ttl = defined $opt{'ttl'} ? $opt{'ttl'} : 0;
+# Handle message file processing if necessary
+my ( $message ) = "";
+if ( $opt{'message'} ) { $message = $opt{'message'}; }
+elsif ( $opt{'file'} eq '-' ) { while (<STDIN>) { $message .= $_; } }
+else {
+ my($fh) = File::Handle->new($opt{'file'});
+ if (! defined $fh ) {
+ warn "Could not open file " . $opt{'file'} . "\n\n";
+ exit 1;
+ }
+ while (<$fh>) { $message .= $_; }
+ undef $fh;
+Spong::Status::status( $SPONGSERVER, $host, $service, $color, $summary,
+ $message, $ttl );
+exit 0;
+sub help {
+ print <<'_EOF_';
+Usage: spong-status [--help]
+ spong-status [--ttl #] (--file name | --message "message text") CMD HOST
+ spong-status [--cmd cmd] --host name --service name --color color
+ --summary text (--message text | -f filename)
+ [--ttl seconds]
+Where "options" are:
+ --help Print this help text.
+ --cmd status Command type being sent to Spong Server.
+ Defaults to 'status'.
+ --host name Name of the host being reported.
+ --service name Name of the service being reported.
+ --color green|yellow|red Status color being reported.
+ --summary text Summary text to be reported.
+ --ttl #seconds Time to live of status report in seconds.
+ --message text Detailed message text being reported.
+ --file filename Detailed message info read from file.
+ If file is '-', info is read from stdin.
+Note: --message and --file are mutually exclusive. Only one my be specified.
+ exit 0;
+# This function just loads in all the configuration information from the
+# spong.conf. The spong.hosts and spong.group files are not needed - all the
+# hosts and groups smarts take place on the spong-server.
+sub load_config_files {
+ my( $evalme, $inhosts );
+ require $conf_file || die "Can't load $conf_file: $!";
+ if( -f "$conf_file.$HOST" ) {
+ require "$conf_file.$HOST" || die "Can't load $conf_file.$HOST: $!";
+ } else {
+ my $tmp = (split( /\./, $HOST ))[0];
+ if( -f "$conf_file.$tmp" ) { # for lazy typist
+ require "$conf_file.$tmp" || die "Can't load $conf_file.$tmp: $!";
+ }
+ }