--- /dev/null
+# Register the routine with the plugins registry
+$PLUGINS{'https'} = \&check_https;
+# Http is a little special in that we also check the return code. No
+# connection and 5xx codes are red, but 4xx return codes are just yellow.
+# Also we go through a list of documents that the have been provided and check
+# each one of them to make sure the web server is behaving correctly
+$https = 0;
+eval "require LWP::UserAgent;";
+if( ! $@ ) {
+ eval "require Crypt::SSLeay;";
+ if( ! $@ ) { $https = 1; }
+sub check_https {
+ my( $host ) = @_;
+ my( @https_files ) = ( @{$HTTPDOCS{"ALL"}}, @{$HTTPDOCS{$host}} );
+ my( $https_port ) = $HTTPSPORT{$host} || $HTTPSPORT{"ALL"} || 443;
+ my( $file, $tmessage ) = ( "", "" );
+ my( $color, $summary ) = ( "green", "" );
+ if( ! $https ) {
+ $summary = "can't do HTTPS lookups, LWP::UserAgent and/or " .
+ "Crypt::SSLeay not installed";
+ &debug( "https - $host - $color, $summary" );
+ return ( "yellow", $summary,
+ "In order to do HTTPS queries you must install the LWP::UserAgent " .
+ "and Crypt::SSLeay Perl modules.\nYou can find the modules at " .
+ "your nearest CPAN archive or http://www.perl.com/CPAN/\n" );
+ }
+ foreach $file ( @https_files ) {
+ my $useragent = LWP::UserAgent->new;
+ my $request =
+ HTTP::Request->new(HEAD => "https://$host:$https_port$file");
+ my $result = $useragent->request($request);
+ if ($result->is_success) {
+ my $code = $result->code;
+ if( $code >= 500 ) {
+ $color = "red"; $summary = "error - $code - $file";
+ } elsif( $code >= 400 && $code != 401 ) {
+ if( $color ne "red" ) {
+ $color = "yellow"; $summary = "warning - $code - $file"; }
+ } else {
+ if( $color ne "red" && $color ne "yellow" ) {
+ $color = "green"; $summary = "ok - $code"; }
+ }
+ } elsif( $result->is_error ) {
+ $color = "red"; $summary = "no response from http server";
+ } else {
+ if( $color ne "red" ) {
+ $color = "yellow"; $summary = "can't determine status code";}
+ }
+ $tmessage = "->HEAD $file HTTP/1.0\n" . $result->as_string . "\n";
+ }
+ &debug( "https - $host - $color, $summary" );
+ return( $color, $summary, $tmessage );
--- /dev/null
+ <title>Son of Pong - Help https</title>
+<h1>Help - https</h1>
+This is a network service that some systems provide. It is what
+web servers and browsers use to communicate over a secure, encrypted
+connection. If this service is running on a machine, it means that
+machine has a secure web server running. This check is performed by
+requesting the "/robots.txt" document - this is a common file that
+"web spiders" look at to see if they have permission to scan through
+the server.<p>
+If this service is down, users will not be able to access secure web
+pages or programs from that host.<p>