+++ /dev/null
-# Register routine with plugin registery
-$POSTFUNCS{'rrd_vmstat'} = \&post_rrd_vmstat;
-# Take the vmstat status message and create rrd databases for a lot of
-# interesting stats
-# RRA to be created for each RRD
-# "daily" 5min avg last 48hr
-# "weekly" 30min avg last 12days
-# "monthly 2hr avg last 48days
-# "yearly" 24hr avg last 576days
-$RRAS = "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:576 RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:6:576 RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:24:576 " .
- "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:288:576";
-$RRAS = "RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:52560"; # detailed 5 minute data for 365 days
-$RRDTOOL = "/usr/local/rrdtool/bin/rrdtool";
-$RRDDIR = "/usr/local/spong-test/var/rrd";
-sub post_rrd_vmstat {
- my( $msg ) = @_;
- my $host = $msg->{'host'};
- # If message is not a status vmstat message, ignore it
- if ( $msg->{'cmd'} ne 'status' || $msg->{'service'} ne 'vmstat') {
- return;
- }
- # Touch the file for vmstat This will also create the dir if needed.
- &main::save_data('>', "$RRDDIR/$host/.rrd-vmstat", "");
- my $time = time;
- my( $proc_run, $proc_block, $proc_swap, $swpd, $free, $buff, $cache,
- $si, $so, $bi, $bo, $cs, $cpu_us, $cpu_sy, $cpu_id, $mem_free );
- # Begin parsing the message field for vmstat values
- {
- local $\ = ''; # ignore \n's for grep'ing the message
- $mem_free = $1 if $msg->{'message'} =~ /mem_free =\s+([\d.]+)/;
- $proc_run = $1 if $msg->{'message'} =~ /proc_run =\s+([\d.]+)/;
- $proc_block = $1 if $msg->{'message'} =~ /proc_block =\s+([\d.]+)/;
- $si = $1 if $msg->{'message'} =~ /si =\s+([\d.]+)/;
- $so = $1 if $msg->{'message'} =~ /so =\s+([\d.]+)/;
- $pi = $1 if $msg->{'message'} =~ /pi =\s+([\d.]+)/;
- $po = $1 if $msg->{'message'} =~ /po =\s+([\d.]+)/;
- $cs = $1 if $msg->{'message'} =~ /cs =\s+([\d.]+)/;
- $cpu_us = $1 if $msg->{'message'} =~ /cpu_us =\s+([\d.]+)/;
- $cpu_sy = $1 if $msg->{'message'} =~ /cpu_sy =\s+([\d.]+)/;
- $cpu_id = $1 if $msg->{'message'} =~ /cpu_id =\s+([\d.]+)/;
- }
- # If .rrd file not found, built it
- if ( ! -f "$RRDDIR/$host/vmstat.rrd" ) {
- &debug("$RRDDIR/$host/vmstat.rrd not found creating it",4);
- { local $SIG{'PIPE'} = 'IGNORE';
- local $SIG{'CHLD'} = 'IGNORE';
- eval {
- system "$RRDTOOL create $RRDDIR/$host/vmstat.rrd " .
- "DS:mem_free:GAUGE:600:0:U " .
- "DS:proc_run:GAUGE:600:0:U " .
- "DS:proc_block:GAUGE:600:0:U " .
- "DS:swap_in:GAUGE:600:0:U " .
- "DS:swap_out:GAUGE:600:0:U " .
- "DS:page_in:GAUGE:600:0:U " .
- "DS:page_out:GAUGE:600:0:U " .
- "DS:cxt_switch:GAUGE:600:0:U " .
- "DS:cpu_user:GAUGE:600:0:100 " .
- "DS:cpu_sys:GAUGE:600:0:100 " .
- "DS:cpu_idle:GAUGE:600:0:100 " .
- $RRAS ;
- };
- }
- if (@?) { &error("Error: rrdtool create: $@"); }
- }
- # Update the .rrd file
- &debug("Updating $host vmstat rrd file",4);
- { local $SIG{'PIPE'} = 'IGNORE';
- local $SIG{'CHLD'} = 'IGNORE';
- system "$RRDTOOL update $RRDDIR/$host/vmstat.rrd " .
- "$time:$mem_free:$proc_run:$proc_block:$si:$so:$pi:$po:" .
- "$cs:$cpu_us:$cpu_sy:$cpu_id";
- if ($@) { &error("Error: rrdtool update: $@"); }
- }
-# I'm include perl code, I need this line.