--- /dev/null
+xmltv-proc-nz by Hadley Rich <hads@nice.net.nz>
+Licensed under the BSD License.
+Processes an XMLTV file in various ways. To use pipe an XML file like so:
+cat freeview.xml | xmltv-proc-nz > better-file.xml
+xmltv-proc-nz freeview.xml > better-file.xml
+JSW = Stephen Worthington <stephen@jsw.gen.nz>
+0.5.9b JSW
+ - Change BASE_URL from nzepg.org to epg.org.nz
+ - Fetch JSON data from mypvr.jsw.gen.nz instead of BASE_URL
+0.5.9c JSW
+ - Comment out TV1 BBCWorld processing as it is now unused and also
+ broken.
+0.5.9d JSW
+ - Add SearchReplaceTitleLocal() to use local web server JSON data.
+0.5.9e Wade MaxField <wade@hotblack.co.nz>
+ - Change EpDesc to work with NZ series/episode data in subtitles and
+ descriptions.
+0.5.9e JSW
+ - Process Sky Movies channels to put the subtitle data into the description, the title into the subtitle and change the title to "Movie".
+ This is a JSW customisation and will not be wanted by everyone, so it is controlled by the JSW flag.
+0.5.9f JSW
+ - Fix the PlusOnes processing for the new Freeview lineup from March 2022.
+0.5.9g JSW
+ - Fix exceptions in Sky Movies processing when there is no subtitle.
+0.6.0 JSW
+ - Convert to Python 3.
+ - Fix post processing.
+ - Delete BBCWorld processing.
+ - Generalise JSON base URL processing to use a JSON base URL list.
+ - Reverse the default for BaseProcessor.valid. Set valid=True when valid data is obtained from one URL, even if other URLs fail.
+ - Remove JSW flag - now works by whether it finds the matching json data.
+ - Make PlusOnes use json configuration.
+#TODO: Find repeats
+#TODO: Regex replacements for categories
+import csv
+import json
+import logging
+import time
+import re
+import sys
+import urllib.request, urllib.parse, urllib.error
+from xml.etree import cElementTree as ElementTree
+from datetime import datetime, timedelta, tzinfo
+from optparse import OptionParser
+ import tmdb
+except ImportError:
+ tmdb = False
+ import tvdb_api
+except ImportError:
+ tvdb = False
+ tvdb = tvdb_api.Tvdb(language='en')
+NAME = 'xmltv-proc-nz'
+URL = 'http://nice.net.nz/xmltv-proc-nz'
+VERSION = '0.6.0 JSW'
+BASE_URL = 'http://epg.org.nz'
+JSON_BASE_URLS = ['http://epg.org.nz', 'http://localhost/json']
+TIME_FORMAT = '%Y%m%d%H%M%S'
+LOG_LEVEL = logging.INFO
+#LOG_LEVEL = logging.DEBUG
+log = logging.getLogger(NAME)
+logging.basicConfig(level=LOG_LEVEL, format='%(message)s')
+class UTC(tzinfo):
+ """
+ Represents the UTC timezone
+ """
+ def utcoffset(self, dt):
+ return timedelta(0)
+ def tzname(self, dt):
+ return "UTC"
+ def dst(self, dt):
+ return timedelta(0)
+class LocalTimezone(tzinfo):
+ """
+ Represents the computers local timezone
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.STDOFFSET = timedelta(seconds = -time.timezone)
+ if time.daylight:
+ self.DSTOFFSET = timedelta(seconds = -time.altzone)
+ else:
+ tzinfo.__init__(self)
+ def utcoffset(self, dt):
+ if self._isdst(dt):
+ return self.DSTOFFSET
+ else:
+ return self.STDOFFSET
+ def dst(self, dt):
+ if self._isdst(dt):
+ return self.DSTDIFF
+ else:
+ return timedelta(0)
+ def tzname(self, dt):
+ return time.tzname[self._isdst(dt)]
+ def _isdst(self, dt):
+ tt = (dt.year, dt.month, dt.day, dt.hour, dt.minute, dt.second, dt.weekday(), 0, -1)
+ stamp = time.mktime(tt)
+ tt = time.localtime(stamp)
+ return tt.tm_isdst > 0
+localtz = LocalTimezone()
+utc = UTC()
+def urlopen(url):
+ return urllib.request.urlopen(urllib.request.Request(url, headers={'User-Agent': '%s/%s' % (NAME, VERSION)}))
+# Convert a Python 2 sort() cmp= function into a key= function
+def cmp_to_key(mycmp):
+ class K:
+ def __init__(self, obj, *args):
+ self.obj = obj
+ def __lt__(self, other):
+ return mycmp(self.obj, other.obj) < 0
+ def __gt__(self, other):
+ return mycmp(self.obj, other.obj) > 0
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ return mycmp(self.obj, other.obj) == 0
+ def __le__(self, other):
+ return mycmp(self.obj, other.obj) <= 0
+ def __ge__(self, other):
+ return mycmp(self.obj, other.obj) >= 0
+ def __ne__(self, other):
+ return mycmp(self.obj, other.obj) != 0
+ return K
+class BaseProcessor(object):
+ valid = False
+ def __call__(self, programme):
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def post_process(self, programmes):
+ raise NotImplementedError
+class Overrides(BaseProcessor):
+ """
+ Use a web service to override shows in specific timeslots.
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ if not tvdb:
+ log.warning('Overrides: tvdb_api module not found.')
+ self.overrides = None
+ for json_base_url in JSON_BASE_URLS:
+ try:
+ data = urlopen('%s/overrides/+json' % json_base_url).read()
+ except IOError:
+ log.warning('Overrides: Fetching data from %s failed.' % json_base_url)
+ else:
+ try:
+ overrides = json.loads(data)
+ if self.overrides == None:
+ self.overrides = overrides
+ else:
+ self.overrides += overrides
+ except ValueError:
+ log.warning('Overrides: JSON parse from %s failed.' % json_base_url)
+ else:
+ for o in self.overrides:
+ o['start'] = datetime.strptime(o['start'], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
+ o['start'] = o['start'].replace(tzinfo=utc)
+ o['start'] = o['start'].astimezone(localtz)
+ o['start'] = o['start'].replace(tzinfo=None)
+ self.valid = True
+ def __call__(self, programme):
+ if not self.valid:
+ return
+ try:
+ start = programme.get('start')
+ stop = programme.get('stop')
+ if ' ' in start:
+ start, offset = start.split(' ')
+ if ' ' in stop:
+ stop = stop.split(' ')[0]
+ start = datetime.strptime(start, TIME_FORMAT)
+ stop = datetime.strptime(stop, TIME_FORMAT)
+ channel = programme.get('channel')
+ except:
+ log.debug('Overrides: Ignoring invalid programme')
+ return
+ for o in self.overrides:
+ if start == o['start'] and channel == o['xmltvid']:
+ log.info('Overrides: Found program on %s at %s', channel, start)
+ if programme.find('previously-shown') is not None:
+ programme.remove(programme.find('previously-shown'))
+ if 'previously_shown' in o and o['previously_shown']:
+ previously_shown = ElementTree.SubElement(programme, 'previously-shown')
+ if 'season' in o and o['season'] and 'episode' in o and o['episode']:
+ if programme.find('episode-num') is not None:
+ programme.remove(programme.find('episode-num'))
+ episode_num = ElementTree.SubElement(programme, 'episode-num')
+ episode_num.set('system', 'xmltv_ns')
+ episode_num.text = '%s.%s.0' % (o['season'] - 1, o['episode'] - 1)
+ if tvdb and 'tvdb_id' in o and o['tvdb_id']:
+ show = tvdb[o['tvdb_id']]
+ try:
+ episode = show[o['season']][o['episode']]
+ except:
+ log.error('Error getting episode %02dx%02d of %s', o['season'], o['episode'], o['tvdb_id'])
+ continue
+ log.info(
+ 'Overrides: Using %s - %02dx%02d - %s',
+ show['seriesname'],
+ int(episode['seasonnumber']),
+ int(episode['episodenumber']),
+ episode['episodename']
+ )
+ if 'firstaired' in episode and episode['firstaired']:
+ if programme.find('date') is not None:
+ programme.remove(programme.find('date'))
+ date = ElementTree.SubElement(programme, 'date')
+ date.text = episode['firstaired'].replace('-', '')
+ if programme.find('sub-title') is not None:
+ programme.remove(programme.find('sub-title'))
+ sub_title = ElementTree.SubElement(programme, 'sub-title')
+ sub_title.text = episode['episodename']
+ if programme.find('desc') is not None:
+ if episode['overview']:
+ programme.find('desc').text = episode['overview']
+ else:
+ desc = ElementTree.SubElement(programme, 'desc')
+ desc.text = episode['overview']
+ if 'rating' in episode and episode['rating']:
+ if programme.find('star-rating') is not None:
+ programme.remove(programme.find('star-rating'))
+ rating = ElementTree.SubElement(programme, 'star-rating')
+ value = ElementTree.SubElement(rating, 'value')
+ value.text = '%s/10' % episode['rating']
+class PlusOnes(BaseProcessor):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.xmltvids = None
+ for json_base_url in JSON_BASE_URLS:
+ try:
+ log.debug('PlusOnes: urlopen(%s/plus-ones/+json)' % json_base_url)
+ data = urlopen('%s/plus-ones/+json' % json_base_url).read()
+ except IOError:
+ log.warning('PlusOnes: Fetching data from %s failed.' % json_base_url)
+ else:
+ try:
+ xmltvids = json.loads(data)
+ if self.xmltvids == None:
+ self.xmltvids = xmltvids
+ else:
+ self.xmltvids += xmltvids
+ self.valid = True
+ if log.getEffectiveLevel() >= logging.DEBUG:
+ log.debug('PlusOnes from %s: ' % json_base_url)
+ for xmltvid in xmltvids:
+ log.debug(' ' + xmltvid)
+ except ValueError:
+ log.warning('PlusOnes: JSON parse from %s failed.' % json_base_url)
+ raise
+ def __call__(self, programme):
+ if not self.valid:
+ return
+ if programme.get('channel') in self.xmltvids:
+ previously_shown = ElementTree.SubElement(programme, 'previously-shown')
+class Movies(BaseProcessor):
+ """
+ Augment movies with data from themoviedb.com
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.cache = {}
+ if not tmdb:
+ log.warning('Movies: TMDB module not found.')
+ self.excludes = []
+ for json_base_url in JSON_BASE_URLS:
+ try:
+ data = urlopen('%s/movie-channels/+json' % json_base_url).read()
+ except IOError:
+ log.warning('Movies: Fetching channel data from %s failed.' % json_base_url)
+ else:
+ try:
+ self.channels = json.loads(data)
+ except ValueError:
+ log.warning('Movies: Parsing channel data failed.')
+ try:
+ data = urlopen('%s/movie-excludes/+json' % json_base_url).read()
+ except IOError:
+ log.warning('Movies: Fetching exclude data from %s failed.' % json_base_url)
+ else:
+ try:
+ exclude_strings = json.loads(data)
+ for e in exclude_strings:
+ self.excludes.append(re.compile(e))
+ self.valid = True
+ except ValueError:
+ log.warning('Movies: Parsing exclude data from %s failed.' % json_base_url)
+ def __call__(self, programme):
+ if not self.valid:
+ return
+ try:
+ start = programme.get('start')
+ stop = programme.get('stop')
+ title = programme.find('title').text
+ channel = programme.get('channel')
+ except:
+ log.debug('Movies: Ignoring invalid programme')
+ return
+ if stop is None:
+ return
+ # Unfortunately strptime can't handle numeric timezones so we strip it.
+ # It's only for getting possible movies so won't matter too much.
+ if ' ' in start:
+ start = start.split(' ')[0]
+ if ' ' in stop:
+ stop = stop.split(' ')[0]
+ start_time = time.mktime(time.strptime(start, TIME_FORMAT))
+ stop_time = time.mktime(time.strptime(stop, TIME_FORMAT))
+ duration = stop_time - start_time
+ if duration <= 5400 or duration > 14400: # Between 90 mins and 4 hours
+ return
+ if channel not in self.channels:
+ return
+ for regex in self.excludes:
+ if regex.match(title):
+ return
+ log.debug('Movies: Possible movie "%s" (duration %dm)', title, duration/60)
+ movie = None
+ if title in self.cache:
+ if self.cache[title] is None:
+ log.debug('Movies: Cached ignore for "%s"', title)
+ return
+ else:
+ movie = self.cache[title]
+ log.debug('Movies: Cache hit for "%s"', title)
+ else:
+ try:
+ results = tmdb.search(title.replace('?', ''))
+ except:
+ log.exception('Movies: TMDB problem searching')
+ return
+ matches = []
+ for result in results:
+ if normalise_movie_title(title) == normalise_movie_title(result['name']) and result['language'] == 'en':
+ matches.append(result)
+ log.debug('Movies: Exact title matches: %d', len(matches))
+ for movie in matches:
+ log.debug('Movies: Found match "%s" (%s)', movie['name'], movie['released'])
+ if len(matches) == 1:
+ try:
+ log.debug('Movies: Cache miss for "%s"', title)
+ movie = tmdb.getMovieInfo(matches[0]['id'])
+ except:
+ log.exception('Movies: TMDB problem fetching info')
+ return
+ self.cache[title] = movie
+ else:
+ self.cache[title] = None
+ return
+ log.info('Movies: Adding info from TMDB for %s', title)
+ show_type = ElementTree.SubElement(programme, 'category')
+ show_type.text = 'movie'
+ if 'categories' in movie and 'genre' in movie['categories']:
+ for c in movie['categories']['genre']:
+ exists = False
+ for old_cat in programme.findall('category'):
+ if old_cat.text == c:
+ exists = True
+ if not exists:
+ category = ElementTree.SubElement(programme, 'category')
+ category.text = c
+ if 'overview' in movie and movie['overview']:
+ if programme.find('desc') is not None:
+ programme.find('desc').text = movie['overview']
+ else:
+ desc = ElementTree.SubElement(programme, 'desc')
+ desc.text = movie['overview']
+ if 'url' in movie and movie['url']:
+ if programme.find('url') is not None:
+ programme.find('url').text = movie['url']
+ else:
+ url = ElementTree.SubElement(programme, 'url')
+ url.text = movie['url']
+ if 'runtime' in movie and movie['runtime']:
+ if programme.find('length') is not None:
+ programme.remove(programme.find('length'))
+ length = ElementTree.SubElement(programme, 'length')
+ length.set('units', 'minutes')
+ length.text = movie['runtime']
+ if 'released' in movie and movie['released']:
+ if programme.find('date') is not None:
+ programme.find('date').text = movie['released'].replace('-', '')
+ else:
+ date = ElementTree.SubElement(programme, 'date')
+ date.text = movie['released'].replace('-', '')
+ if 'rating' in movie and movie['rating']:
+ if programme.find('star-rating') is not None:
+ programme.remove(programme.find('star-rating'))
+ rating = ElementTree.SubElement(programme, 'star-rating')
+ value = ElementTree.SubElement(rating, 'value')
+ value.text = '%s/10' % movie['rating']
+ if 'cast' in movie:
+ if programme.find('credits') is not None:
+ programme.remove(programme.find('credits'))
+ credits = ElementTree.SubElement(programme, 'credits')
+ directors = []
+ actors = []
+ if 'director' in movie['cast']:
+ for d in movie['cast']['director']:
+ director = ElementTree.SubElement(credits, 'director')
+ director.text = d['name']
+ if 'actor' in movie['cast']:
+ for a in movie['cast']['actor']:
+ actor = ElementTree.SubElement(credits, 'actor')
+ actor.text = a['name']
+ actor.set('role', a['character'])
+class HD(BaseProcessor):
+ """
+ Look for a HD note in a description.
+ """
+ regexes = (
+ re.compile(r'HD\.?$'),
+ re.compile(r'\(HD\)$'),
+ )
+ def __call__(self, programme):
+ desc = programme.find('desc')
+ if desc is not None and desc.text:
+ for regex in self.regexes:
+ matched = regex.search(desc.text)
+ if matched:
+ log.debug('HD: Found "%s"', programme.find('title').text)
+ if programme.find('video') is not None:
+ if programme.find('quality') is None:
+ quality = ElementTree.SubElement(programme.find('video'), 'quality')
+ quality.text = 'HDTV'
+ elif programme.find('quality').text != 'HDTV':
+ programme.find('quality').text = 'HDTV'
+ else:
+ video = ElementTree.SubElement(programme, 'video')
+ present = ElementTree.SubElement(video, 'present')
+ present.text = 'yes'
+ aspect = ElementTree.SubElement(video, 'aspect')
+ aspect.text = '16:9'
+ quality = ElementTree.SubElement(video, 'quality')
+ quality.text = 'HDTV'
+ desc.text = regex.sub('', desc.text)
+class Subtitle(BaseProcessor):
+ """
+ Look for a subtitle in a description.
+ """
+ regexes = (
+ re.compile(r"(Today|Tonight)?:? ?'(?P<subtitle>.*?)'\.\s?"),
+ re.compile(r"'(?P<subtitle>.{2,60}?)\.'\s"),
+ re.compile(r"(?P<subtitle>.{2,60}?):\s"),
+ )
+ def __call__(self, programme):
+ desc = programme.find('desc')
+ if desc is not None and desc.text:
+ for regex in self.regexes:
+ matched = regex.match(desc.text)
+ if matched and 'subtitle' not in programme:
+ subtitle = ElementTree.SubElement(programme, 'sub-title')
+ subtitle.text = matched.group('subtitle')
+ log.debug('Subtitle: "%s" for "%s"', subtitle.text, programme.find('title').text)
+ desc.text = regex.sub('', desc.text)
+class SeasonEpisodeFromDesc(BaseProcessor):
+ """
+ Look for a Season/Episode info in a description.
+ """
+ regexes = (
+ re.compile(r'(?i)\s?S\s?(\d+),?\s?Ep?\s?(\d+)'),
+ re.compile(r'(?i)\s?S\s?(\d+),?\s?Episode\s?(\d+)'),
+ )
+ def __call__(self, programme):
+ desc = programme.find('desc')
+ if desc is not None and desc.text:
+ for regex in self.regexes:
+ matched = regex.search(desc.text)
+ if matched:
+ season, episode = [int(x) for x in matched.groups()]
+ log.info('SeasonEpisodeDesc: Found season %s episode %s for "%s"', season, episode, programme.find('title').text)
+ episode_num = ElementTree.SubElement(programme, 'episode-num')
+ episode_num.set('system', 'xmltv_ns')
+ episode_num.text = '%s.%s.0' % (season - 1, episode - 1)
+class SeasonEpisodeFromSubtitle(BaseProcessor):
+ """
+ Look for a Season/Episode info in a subtitle.
+ """
+ regexes = (
+ re.compile(r'(?i)\s?S\s?(\d+),?\s?Ep?\s?(\d+)'),
+ re.compile(r'(?i)\s?S\s?(\d+),?\s?Episode\s?(\d+)'),
+ )
+ def __call__(self, programme):
+ subtitle = programme.find('sub-title')
+ if subtitle is not None and subtitle.text:
+ for regex in self.regexes:
+ matched = regex.search(subtitle.text,)
+ if matched:
+ season, episode = [int(x) for x in matched.groups()]
+ log.info('SeasonEpisodeSubtitle: Found season %s episode %s for "%s"', season, episode, programme.find('title').text)
+ episode_num = ElementTree.SubElement(programme, 'episode-num')
+ episode_num.set('system', 'xmltv_ns')
+ episode_num.text = '%s.%s.0' % (season - 1, episode - 1)
+class EpisodeFromDesc(BaseProcessor):
+ """
+ Look for a Episode info in a description.
+ """
+ regexes = (
+ re.compile(r'(?i)\s?Ep\.?\s?(\d+)'),
+ re.compile(r'(?i)\s?Episode\.?\s?(\d+)'),
+ )
+ def __call__(self, programme):
+ desc = programme.find('desc')
+ episode_num = programme.find('episode-num')
+ if episode_num is None:
+ if desc is not None and desc.text:
+ for regex in self.regexes:
+ matched = regex.search(desc.text)
+ if matched:
+ episode = int(matched.group(1))
+ log.info('EpisodeDesc: Found episode %s for "%s"', episode, programme.find('title').text)
+ episode_num = ElementTree.SubElement(programme, 'episode-num')
+ episode_num.set('system', 'xmltv_ns')
+ episode_num.text = '.%s.0' % (episode - 1)
+class EpisodeFromSubtitle(BaseProcessor):
+ """
+ Look for a Episode info in a subtitle.
+ """
+ regexes = (
+ re.compile(r'(?i)\s?Ep\.?\s?(\d+)'),
+ re.compile(r'(?i)\s?Episode\.?\s?(\d+)'),
+ )
+ def __call__(self, programme):
+ subtitle = programme.find('sub-title')
+ episode_num = programme.find('episode-num')
+ if episode_num is None:
+ if subtitle is not None and subtitle.text:
+ for regex in self.regexes:
+ matched = regex.search(subtitle.text)
+ if matched:
+ episode = int(matched.group(1))
+ log.info('EpisodeSubtitle: Found episode %s for "%s"', episode, programme.find('title').text)
+ episode_num = ElementTree.SubElement(programme, 'episode-num')
+ episode_num.set('system', 'xmltv_ns')
+ episode_num.text = '.%s.0' % (episode - 1)
+class SeasonFromDesc(BaseProcessor):
+ """
+ Look for a Season info in a description.
+ """
+ regexes = (
+ re.compile(r'(?i)^S\s?(\d+)'),
+ re.compile(r'(?i)\sS\s?(\d+)'),
+ re.compile(r'(?i)\s?Season\s?(\d+)'),
+ )
+ def __call__(self, programme):
+ desc = programme.find('desc')
+ episode_num = programme.find('episode-num')
+ if episode_num is None:
+ if desc is not None and desc.text:
+ for regex in self.regexes:
+ matched = regex.search(desc.text)
+ if matched:
+ season = int(matched.group(1))
+ log.info('SeasonDesc: Found season %s for "%s"', season, programme.find('title').text)
+ episode_num = ElementTree.SubElement(programme, 'episode-num')
+ episode_num.set('system', 'xmltv_ns')
+ episode_num.text = '%s..0' % (season - 1)
+class SeasonFromSubtitle(BaseProcessor):
+ """
+ Look for a Season info in a subtitle.
+ """
+ regexes = (
+ re.compile(r'(?i)^S\s?(\d+)'),
+ re.compile(r'(?i)\sS\s?(\d+)'),
+ re.compile(r'(?i)\s?Season\s?(\d+)'),
+ )
+ def __call__(self, programme):
+ subtitle = programme.find('sub-title')
+ episode_num = programme.find('episode-num')
+ if episode_num is None:
+ if subtitle is not None and subtitle.text:
+ for regex in self.regexes:
+ matched = regex.search(subtitle.text)
+ if matched:
+ season = int(matched.group(1))
+ log.info('SeasonSubtitle: Found season %s for "%s"', season, programme.find('title').text)
+ episode_num = ElementTree.SubElement(programme, 'episode-num')
+ episode_num.set('system', 'xmltv_ns')
+ episode_num.text = '%s..0' % (season - 1)
+class SearchReplaceTitle(BaseProcessor):
+ """
+ Use a web service to normalise titles.
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.replacements = None
+ for json_base_url in JSON_BASE_URLS:
+ try:
+ data = urlopen('%s/title-replacements/+json' % json_base_url).read()
+ except IOError:
+ log.warning('SearchReplaceTitle: Fetching replacements from %s failed.' % json_base_url)
+ else:
+ try:
+ replacements = json.loads(data)
+ if self.replacements == None:
+ self.replacements = replacements
+ else:
+ self.replacements += replacements
+ self.valid = True
+ if log.getEffectiveLevel() >= logging.DEBUG:
+ log.debug('SearchReplaceTitle from %s: ' % json_base_url)
+ for replacement in replacements:
+ log.debug(' ' + str(replacement))
+ except ValueError:
+ log.warning('SearchReplaceTitle: JSON parse from %s failed.' % json_base_url)
+ def __call__(self, programme):
+ if not self.valid:
+ return
+ for r in self.replacements:
+ old_title = programme.find('title').text
+ if re.match(r['search'], old_title):
+ if r['description_match']:
+ # If there's a description_match then make sure the programme
+ # has a desc and it matches
+ desc = programme.find('desc')
+ if desc is None:
+ continue
+ if not re.match(r['description_match'], desc.text):
+ continue
+ desc.text = re.sub(r['description_match'], '', desc.text)
+ programme.find('title').text = re.sub(r['search'], r['replace'], programme.find('title').text)
+ if old_title != programme.find('title').text:
+ log.info(
+ 'SearchReplaceTitle: Changed from "%s" to "%s"',
+ old_title,
+ programme.find('title').text
+ )
+class Categories(BaseProcessor):
+ """
+ Use a web service to add categories by title.
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.categories = None
+ for json_base_url in JSON_BASE_URLS:
+ try:
+ data = urlopen('%s/categories/+json' % json_base_url).read()
+ except IOError:
+ log.warning('Categories: Fetching data from %s failed.' % json_base_url)
+ else:
+ try:
+ categories = json.loads(data)
+ if self.categories == None:
+ self.categories = categories
+ else:
+ self.categories += categories
+ self.valid = True
+ except ValueError:
+ log.warning('Categories: JSON parse from %s failed.' % json_base_url)
+ def __call__(self, programme):
+ if self.valid:
+ for c in self.categories:
+ if 'category' not in c:
+ continue
+ if programme.find('title').text == c['title']:
+ # Remove existing categories
+ for category in programme.findall('category'):
+ programme.remove(category)
+ show_type = ElementTree.SubElement(programme, 'category')
+ show_type.text = c['show_type']
+ if 'categories' in c:
+ for newcat in c['categories']:
+ category = ElementTree.SubElement(programme, 'category')
+ category.text = newcat
+ log.info(
+ 'Categories: Added categories for "%s"',
+ programme.find('title').text
+ )
+class SkyMoviesChannels(BaseProcessor):
+ """
+ Process Sky Movies channels to put the subtitle data into the description."
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.sky_movies_xmltvid_list = None
+ for json_base_url in JSON_BASE_URLS:
+ try:
+ data = urlopen('%s/sky_movies_xmltvids/+json' % json_base_url).read()
+ except IOError:
+ log.warning('SkyMoviesChannels: Fetching data from %s failed.' % json_base_url)
+ else:
+ try:
+ sky_movies_xmltvid_list = json.loads(data)
+ if self.categories == None:
+ self.sky_movies_xmltvid_list = sky_movies_xmltvid_list
+ else:
+ self.sky_movies_xmltvid_list += sky_movies_xmltvid_list
+ self.valid = True
+ if log.getEffectiveLevel() >= logging.DEBUG:
+ log.debug('SkyMoviesChannels from %s: ' % json_base_url)
+ for sky_movies_xmltvid in sky_movies_xmltvid_list:
+ log.debug(' ' + sky_movies_xmltvid)
+ except ValueError:
+ log.warning('Categories: JSON parse from %s failed.' % json_base_url)
+ def __call__(self, programme):
+ if not self.valid:
+ return
+ if programme.get('channel') in self.sky_movies_xmltvid_list:
+ subtitle = programme.find('sub-title')
+ if subtitle == None:
+ log.info(
+ 'SkyMoviesChannels: channel=%s title=%s no subtitle',
+ programme.get('channel'),
+ programme.find('title').text
+ )
+ else:
+ #sys.stderr.write('programme=' + ElementTree.tostring(programme, encoding='utf-8') + '\n')
+ programme.find('desc').text = programme.find('sub-title').text + ' ' + programme.find('desc').text
+ programme.find('sub-title').text = ''
+ log.info(
+ 'SkyMoviesChannels: channel=%s title=%s fixed',
+ programme.get('channel'),
+ programme.find('title').text
+ )
+def compare_programme(x, y):
+ """
+ Comparison helper to sort the children elements of an
+ XMLTV programme tag.
+ """
+ programme_order = (
+ 'title', 'sub-title', 'desc', 'credits', 'date',
+ 'category', 'language', 'orig-language', 'length',
+ 'icon', 'url', 'country', 'episode-num', 'video', 'audio',
+ 'previously-shown', 'premiere', 'last-chance', 'new',
+ 'subtitles', 'rating', 'star-rating',
+ )
+ if programme_order.index(x.tag) < programme_order.index(y.tag):
+ return -1
+ elif programme_order.index(x.tag) > programme_order.index(y.tag):
+ return 1
+ else:
+ return 0
+def normalise_movie_title(title):
+ """
+ Normalise titles to help comparisons.
+ """
+ normalised = title.lower()
+ if normalised.startswith('the '):
+ normalised = normalised[4:]
+ normalised = re.sub('[^a-z ]', '', normalised)
+ normalised = re.sub(' +', ' ', normalised)
+ normalised = normalised.replace(' the ', ' ')
+ return normalised
+def indent(elem, level=0):
+ """
+ Make ElementTree output pretty.
+ """
+ i = "\n" + level * "\t"
+ if len(elem):
+ if not elem.text or not elem.text.strip():
+ elem.text = i + "\t"
+ if not elem.tail or not elem.tail.strip():
+ elem.tail = i
+ for elem in elem:
+ indent(elem, level+1)
+ if not elem.tail or not elem.tail.strip():
+ elem.tail = i
+ else:
+ if level and (not elem.tail or not elem.tail.strip()):
+ elem.tail = i
+def check_for_updates():
+ """
+ Check for script updates.
+ """
+ try:
+ data = urlopen('%s/xmltv-proc-nz/+json' % BASE_URL).read()
+ except IOError:
+ log.critical('Cannot access Internet')
+ sys.exit(3)
+ else:
+ try:
+ stats = json.loads(data)
+ except ValueError as e:
+ print(e)
+ log.critical('Version check failed')
+ sys.exit(4)
+ if stats['version'] > VERSION:
+ log.warning(
+ 'A new version (%s) is available at %s (current version %s)',
+ stats['version'],
+ URL,
+ )
+ if stats['critical']:
+ log.critical('Version update is critical, exiting')
+ sys.exit(5)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ parser = OptionParser(version='%prog ' + str(VERSION))
+ parser.set_defaults(debug=False)
+ parser.add_option('--debug', action='store_true',
+ help='output debugging information.')
+ parser.add_option('--verbose', action='store_true',
+ help='output verbose information.')
+ (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
+ if options.verbose:
+ log.setLevel(logging.INFO)
+ if options.debug:
+ log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
+ check_for_updates()
+ if sys.stdin.isatty():
+ if len(args) == 0:
+ log.critical('No input file')
+ sys.exit(2)
+ data = open(args[0], 'rb').read()
+ else:
+ data = sys.stdin.buffer.read()
+ processors = [
+ PlusOnes(),
+ SearchReplaceTitle(),
+ Subtitle(),
+ Categories(),
+ Movies(),
+ HD(),
+ SeasonEpisodeFromDesc(),
+ SeasonEpisodeFromSubtitle(),
+ EpisodeFromDesc(),
+ EpisodeFromSubtitle(),
+ SeasonFromDesc(),
+ SeasonFromSubtitle(),
+ Overrides(),
+ SkyMoviesChannels()
+ ]
+ tree = ElementTree.XML(data)
+ for processor in processors:
+ for programme in tree.findall('.//programme'):
+ try:
+ processor(programme)
+ except:
+ log.exception("Failed processing with processor: %s", processor)
+ try:
+ processor.post_process(tree)
+ except NotImplementedError:
+ pass
+ except:
+ log.exception("Failed post processing with processor: %s", processor)
+ for programme in tree.findall('.//programme'):
+ programme[:] = sorted(programme, key=cmp_to_key(compare_programme))
+ indent(tree)
+ print('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>')
+ print('<!DOCTYPE tv SYSTEM "xmltv.dtd">')
+ print(ElementTree.tostring(tree, encoding='unicode'))