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+ <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
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+ <title>spong-server</title>
+<a NAME="spong-server_name_0"></a>NAME</h1>
+<b>spong</b> - display spong system status from the command line
+<a NAME="spong-server_synopsis_0"></a>SYNOPSIS</h1>
+<b>spong</b> [--summary [hostlist] | --problems [hostlist] | --history
+[hostlist] | --host host | --services host | --stats host
+| --config host | --info host | --service host:service ] [--brief | --standard
+| --full ]
+<a NAME="spong-server_description_0"></a>DESCRIPTION</h1>
+The spong program interfaces with the spong-server to display the collected
+information in text format. The spong program does not have all of
+the functionality of the web-based interface. It's designed to be used
+from character based consoles. The spong program doesn not have to load
+onto the same machine that spong-server is running on. You load this program
+onto any machine. It is a good ideal to load this onto machines, when possible,
+to allow the administrator of the machine to query the spong-servr when
+alert of received.
+<p>When run with any parameters, spong will display a table that lists
+the hosts and services. All of the displays are text based with the legends
+at the top.
+<b>--summary [hostlist]</b></dt>
+ Summarize the status of hosts, in hostlist, in a table that lists
+the hosts and services, and the current status is a single letter with
+the meaning defined in the ledgend at the top of the display. If hostlist
+if not specified all hosts defined in spong.hosts are displayed.</dd>
+<b>--problems [hostlist]</b></dt>
+Shows a summary of all the problems (services that are red) for the all
+the hosts in hostlist. If hostlist is not specified, all hosts defined
+in spong.hosts are displayed.</dd>
+<b>--history [hostlist]</b></dt>
+Show history information for the the list of hosts in hostlist. If host
+list is not specified, all hosts defined in spong.hosts are displayed.</dd>
+<b>--host host</b></dt>
+Shows all information availiable for the given host.</dd>
+<b>--services host</b></dt>
+Shows detailed service information for the given host.</dd>
+<b>--stats host</b></dt>
+Show statistical information for the given host.</dd>
+<b>--config host</b></dt>
+Shows configuration intomation for the given host.</dd>
+<b>--info host</b></dt>
+Shows admin supplied text for the given host.</dd>
+<b>--service host:service</b></dt>
+Shows detailed information for the given host/service. The</dd>
+Display output in a brief format</dd>
+Display output in standard format (the default)</dd>
+Display the maximum amount of information possible.</dd>
+<a NAME="spong-server_configuration_0"></a>CONFIGURATION</h1>
+By default, spong reads the <a href="spong-server.html#spong-server_usr_local_etc_spong_spong_conf_0">/usr/local/etc/spong/spong.conf</a>
+file which define some specific variables that you probably don't need
+to override.
+<p>By default the <a href="spong-server.html#spong-server_usr_local_etc_spong_spong_conf_0">/usr/local/etc/spong/spong.conf</a>
+file is read on startup. It defines some specific variable that you probably
+don't need to override.
+<p>After reading the configuration fil, it then reads the <i>/usr/local/etc/spong/spong.conf.[host]</i>
+file where [host] is the hostname of the machine that you are running on.
+Since these configuration files are just standard perl code that gets imported,
+the variables that you define in the host specific config file will take
+precedence over the standard configuration settings.
+<dl>Here are a list of variables in the spong.conf file that are applicable
+to the spong-server program:
+The make of the server that spong-server is running on.</dd>
+The port numbr that spong-server listens at for database queries.</dd>
+<a NAME="spong-server_files_0"></a>FILES</h1>
+<a NAME="spong-server_usr_local_etc_spong_spong_conf_0"></a><b>/usr/local/etc/spong/spong.conf</b></dt>
+Configuration file. This contains variables that detail spong and OS specific
+definitions used by spong-server. See <i>spong.conf</i> for additional
+<a NAME="spong-server_dependencies_0"></a>DEPENDENCIES</h1>
+Perl v5.003 or greater is required.
+<a NAME="spong-server_bugs_0"></a>BUGS</h1>
+The <b>--stats</b>, <b>--config</b>, and <b>--info</b> parameters are currently
+not implemented in the spong-server. When specified they will just generate
+a blank HTML page..
+<a NAME="spong-server_see_0"></a>SEE ALSO</h1>
+ <i>spong.hosts</i>, <i>spong.conf</i>
+<a NAME="spong-server_author_0"></a>AUTHOR</h1>
+Ed Hill (<a href="MAILTO:ed-hill@uiowa.edu">ed-hill@uiowa.edu</a>), Unix
+System Administrator, The University of Iowa
+<br>Stephen L Johnson (<a href="MAILTO:stephen.johnson@mail.state.ar.us">stephen.johnson@mail.state.ar.us</a>)
+or (<a href="MAILTO:sjohnson@monsters.org">sjohnson@monsters.org</a>),
+Unix System Administator, DIS - State of Arkansas
+<p>Based on code/ideas from Sean MacGuire (BB), and Helen Harrison (Pong).