-SRC = $(DESTDIR)/usr/src
-SHARE = $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/$(NAME)-dkms
+# Makefile and (un-)Installer for Sapphire remote control driver,
+# by Mark Lord 2012-2018.
+INPUT_H=$(shell [ -e /usr/include/linux/input-event-codes.h ] && echo /usr/include/linux/input-event-codes.h || echo /usr/include/linux/input.h)
+## MODPARMS is not used any more, but we have to nuke old copies to prevent issues:
+CWD = $(shell pwd -P)
+KVER ?= $(shell uname -r)
+KDIR = /lib/modules/$(KVER)
+obj-m += $(MODNAME).o
+#EXTRA_CFLAGS += -Werror
+default: $(INPUT_H) kmod $(KEYMAP_SCRIPT)
+ @echo "ERROR: $@: not found."
+ @echo
+ @echo "Please install the system development libraries first."
+ @echo "Eg. on Ubuntu/Mint systems: sudo apt-get install build-essential"
+ @echo
+ @exit 1
+ $(MAKE) -C $(KDIR)/build M=$(CWD) modules
+ $(MAKE) kmod
+ @bash -c "type -all gawk" >/dev/null 2>&1 || (\
+ echo ;\
+ echo "gawk not found, needed by installer; Aborted." ;\
+ echo "For Ubuntu/Debian based systems, try this: sudo apt-get install gawk" ;\
+ echo ;\
+ exit 2 ;\
+ )
+ chmod 0755 $(EXTRACT_KEYDEFS)
+ chmod 0755 $(KEYMAP_SCRIPT)
+ @echo "Creating $(BLACKLIST)"
+ @echo "## $(CONFLICTS) Conflicts with $(MODNAME) driver" > $(BLACKLIST)
+ @echo "blacklist $(CONFLICTS)" >> $(BLACKLIST)
+modinstall: $(MODNAME).ko $(KEYMAP_SCRIPT)
+ $(MAKE) -C $(KDIR)/build M=$(CWD) modules_install || exit 0
+ @[ -e $(KDIR)/extra/sapphire.ko -o -e $(KDIR)/extra/sapphire.ko.gz -o -e $(KDIR)/extra/sapphire.ko.xz ] || exit 1
+ depmod $(KVER)
+ @if [ "$(KVER)" = "$$(uname -r)" ]; then \
+ rmmod $(MODNAME) 2>/dev/null ;\
+ rmmod $(CONFLICTS) 2>/dev/null ;\
+ ./sapphire_startup.sh ;\
+ else \
+ exit 0 ;\
+ fi
+ $(MAKE) -C $(KDIR)/build M=$(CWD) clean
+ -rm -f $(KEYMAP_SCRIPT)
+ @if [ -e $(MODPARAMS) ]; then rm -f $(MODPARMS) ; fi ; exit 0
+uninstall: clean clean_modparms
+ -rmmod $(MODNAME)
+ -rm -f $(BLACKLIST)
+ -rm -f /usr/local/bin/$(KEYMAP_SCRIPT)
+ -rm -f $(KDIR)/extra/$(MODNAME).ko
+ depmod
+install: $(MODNAME).ko clean_modparms modinstall $(BLACKLIST) $(KEYMAP_SCRIPT)
+ install -m 0755 $(KEYMAP_SCRIPT) /usr/local/bin/
+ install -m 0755 sapphire_startup.sh /usr/local/bin/
-#source tree
-ifeq ("$(wildcard $(NAME)-$(VERSION))", "$(NAME)-$(VERSION)")
- install -d "$(SRC)"
- cp -a $(NAME)-$(VERSION) $(SRC)
- chmod 644 -R "$(SRC)/$(NAME)-$(VERSION)"
-#tarball, possibly with binaries
-ifeq ("$(wildcard $(NAME)-$(VERSION).dkms.tar.gz)", "$(NAME)-$(VERSION).dkms.tar.gz")
- install -d "$(SHARE)"
- install -m 644 $(NAME)-$(VERSION).dkms.tar.gz "$(SHARE)"
-#postinst, only if we are supporting legacy mode
-ifeq ("$(wildcard common.postinst)", "common.postinst")
- install -d "$(SHARE)"
- install -m 755 $(PREFIX)/usr/lib/dkms/common.postinst $(SHARE)/postinst
+all: install
+++ /dev/null
-# Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Flavio Stanchina
-# Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Aric Cyr
-# Copyright (C) 2007 Mario Limonciello
-# Copyright (C) 2009 Alberto Milone
-set -e
-uname_s=$(uname -s)
-_get_kernel_dir() {
- KVER=$1
- case ${uname_s} in
- Linux) DIR="/lib/modules/$KVER/build" ;;
- GNU/kFreeBSD) DIR="/usr/src/kfreebsd-headers-$KVER/sys" ;;
- esac
- echo $DIR
-_check_kernel_dir() {
- DIR=$(_get_kernel_dir $1)
- case ${uname_s} in
- Linux) test -e $DIR/include ;;
- GNU/kFreeBSD) test -e $DIR/kern && test -e $DIR/conf/kmod.mk ;;
- *) return 1 ;;
- esac
- return $?
-# Check the existence of a kernel named as $1
-_is_kernel_name_correct() {
- CORRECT="no"
- for kernel in /boot/config-*; do
- KERNEL=${kernel#*-}
- if [ "${KERNEL}" = "${KERNEL_NAME}" ]; then
- CORRECT="yes"
- break
- fi
- done
- echo $CORRECT
-# Get the most recent kernel on Debian based systems. This keeps
-# into account both the version and the ABI. If the current kernel
-# is the most recent kernel then the function will print a null string.
-_get_newest_kernel_debian() {
- for kernel in /boot/config-*; do
- KERNEL=${kernel#*-}
- ABI=${KERNEL#*-}
- ABI=${ABI%%-*}
- if [ -z "$NEWEST_KERNEL" ]; then
- # The 1st time get a version which is bigger than $1
- else
- # Get the biggest version
- fi
- # if $kernel is greater than $COMPARE_TO
- if [ `dpkg --compare-versions "$KERNEL_VERSION-$ABI" gt "$COMPARE_TO" && echo "yes" || \
- echo "no"` = "yes" ]; then
- fi
- done
-# Get the most recent kernel in Rhel based systems. If the current kernel
-# is the most recent kernel then the function will print a null string.
-_get_newest_kernel_rhel() {
- LAST_INSTALLED_KERNEL=$(rpm -q --whatprovides kernel --last | grep kernel -m1 | cut -f1 -d' ')
- if [ `echo $LIK_FORMATTED_NAME | grep 2.6 >/dev/null` ]; then
- # Fedora and Suse
- else
- # Hack for Mandriva where $LIK_FORMATTED_NAME is broken
- LIK_NAME=$(rpm -q $LAST_INSTALLED_KERNEL --queryformat="%{NAME}\n")
- LIK_TYPE=${LIK_NAME#kernel-}
- fi
-# Get the newest kernel on Debian and Rhel based systems.
-get_newest_kernel() {
- # Try Debian first as rpm can be installed in Debian based distros
- if [ -e /usr/bin/dpkg ]; then
- # If DEB based
- NEWEST_KERNEL=$(_get_newest_kernel_debian "$CURRENT_VERSION-$CURRENT_ABI")
- elif [ `which rpm >/dev/null` ]; then
- # If RPM based
- NEWEST_KERNEL=$(_get_newest_kernel_rhel)
- fi
- # Make sure that kernel name that we extracted corresponds to an installed
- # kernel
- if [ -n "$NEWEST_KERNEL" ] && [ `_is_kernel_name_correct $NEWEST_KERNEL` = "no" ]; then
- fi
-if [ -z "$NAME" ] || [ -z "$VERSION" ]; then
- echo "Need NAME, and VERSION defined"
- echo "ARCH is optional"
- exit 1
-KERNELS=$(ls /lib/modules/ 2>/dev/null || true)
-CURRENT_KERNEL=$(uname -r)
-#We never want to keep an older version side by side to prevent conflicts
-if [ -e "/var/lib/dkms/$NAME/$VERSION" ]; then
- echo "Removing old $NAME-$VERSION DKMS files..."
- dkms remove -m $NAME -v $VERSION --all
-#Load new files, by source package and by tarball
-if [ -f "$TARBALL_ROOT/$NAME-$VERSION.dkms.tar.gz" ]; then
- if ! dkms ldtarball --archive "$TARBALL_ROOT/$NAME-$VERSION.dkms.tar.gz"; then
- echo ""
- echo ""
- echo "Unable to load DKMS tarball $TARBALL_ROOT/$NAME-$VERSION.dkms.tar.gz."
- echo "Common causes include: "
- echo " - You must be using DKMS or later to support binaries only"
- echo " distribution specific archives."
- echo " - Corrupt distribution specific archive"
- echo ""
- echo ""
- exit 2
- fi
-elif [ -d "/usr/src/$NAME-$VERSION" ]; then
- echo "Loading new $NAME-$VERSION DKMS files..."
- dkms add -m $NAME -v $VERSION > /dev/null
-# On 1st installation, let us look for a directory
-# in /lib/modules which matches `uname -r`. If none
-# is found it is possible that buildd is being used
-# and that uname -r is giving us the name of the
-# kernel used by the buildd machine.
-# If this is the case we try to build the kernel
-# module for each kernel which has a directory in
-# /lib/modules. Furthermore we will have to tell
-# DKMS which architecture it should build the module
-# for (e.g. if the buildd machine is using a
-# 2.6.24-23-xen 64bit kernel).
-# NOTE: if the headers are not installed then the
-# module won't be built, as usual
-if [ -z "$UPGRADE" ]; then
- echo "First Installation: checking all kernels..."
- for KERNEL in $KERNELS; do
- if [ ${KERNEL} = ${CURRENT_KERNEL} ]; then
- # Kernel found
- break
- fi
- done
-# Here we look for the most recent kernel so that we can
-# build the module for it (in addition to doing it for the
-# current kernel.
-NEWEST_KERNEL=$(get_newest_kernel "$KERNELS")
-# If the current kernel doesn't come from the host of a chroot
-if [ `_is_kernel_name_correct $CURRENT_KERNEL` = "yes" ]; then
- # See if it's worth building the module for both the newest kernel
- # and for the current kernel
- if [ -n "$NEWEST_KERNEL" ] && [ ${CURRENT_KERNEL} != ${NEWEST_KERNEL} ]; then
- echo "Building for $CURRENT_KERNEL and $NEWEST_KERNEL"
- else
- echo "Building only for $CURRENT_KERNEL"
- fi
-# The current kernel is not useful as it's the host's
- echo "It is likely that $CURRENT_KERNEL belongs to a chroot's host"
- # Let's use only the newest kernel
- if [ -n "$NEWEST_KERNEL" ]; then
- echo "Building only for $NEWEST_KERNEL"
- fi
-if [ -n "$ARCH" ]; then
- if which lsb_release >/dev/null && [ $(lsb_release -s -i) = "Ubuntu" ]; then
- case $ARCH in
- amd64)
- ARCH="x86_64"
- ;;
- lpia|i?86)
- ARCH="i686"
- ;;
- esac
- fi
- echo "Building for architecture $ARCH"
- ARCH="-a $ARCH"
-for KERNEL in $KERNELS; do
- dkms_status=`dkms status -m $NAME -v $VERSION -k $KERNEL $ARCH`
- if [ `echo $KERNEL | grep -c "BOOT"` -gt 0 ]; then
- echo ""
- echo "Module build and install for $KERNEL was skipped as "
- echo "it is a BOOT variant"
- continue
- fi
- #if the module isn't yet built, try to build it
- if [ `echo $dkms_status | grep -c ": built"` -eq 0 ]; then
- if [ ! -L /var/lib/dkms/$NAME/$VERSION/source ]; then
- echo "This package appears to be a binaries-only package"
- echo " you will not be able to build against kernel $KERNEL"
- echo " since the package source was not provided"
- continue
- fi
- if _check_kernel_dir $KERNEL; then
- echo "Building initial module for $KERNEL"
- set +e
- dkms build -m $NAME -v $VERSION -k $KERNEL $ARCH > /dev/null
- case $? in
- 9)
- set -e
- echo "Skipped."
- continue
- ;;
- 0)
- set -e
- echo "Done."
- ;;
- *)
- exit $?
- ;;
- esac
- dkms_status=`dkms status -m $NAME -v $VERSION -k $KERNEL $ARCH`
- else
- echo "Module build for the currently running kernel was skipped since the"
- echo "kernel source for this kernel does not seem to be installed."
- fi
- fi
- #if the module is built (either pre-built or just now), install it
- if [ `echo $dkms_status | grep -c ": built"` -eq 1 ] &&
- [ `echo $dkms_status | grep -c ": installed"` -eq 0 ]; then
- dkms install -m $NAME -v $VERSION -k $KERNEL $ARCH
- fi
--- /dev/null
+Files required for setting up DKMS.
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/dkms.conf
+@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
++# Items below here should not have to change with each driver version
++MAKE[0]="make -C ${kernel_source_dir} SUBDIRS=${dkms_tree}/${PACKAGE_NAME}/${PACKAGE_VERSION}/build modules"
++CLEAN="make -C ${kernel_source_dir} SUBDIRS=${dkms_tree}/${PACKAGE_NAME}/${PACKAGE_VERSION}/build clean"
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/postinst
+@@ -0,0 +1,295 @@
++# Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Flavio Stanchina
++# Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Aric Cyr
++# Copyright (C) 2007 Mario Limonciello
++# Copyright (C) 2009 Alberto Milone
++set -e
++uname_s=$(uname -s)
++_get_kernel_dir() {
++ KVER=$1
++ case ${uname_s} in
++ Linux) DIR="/lib/modules/$KVER/build" ;;
++ GNU/kFreeBSD) DIR="/usr/src/kfreebsd-headers-$KVER/sys" ;;
++ esac
++ echo $DIR
++_check_kernel_dir() {
++ DIR=$(_get_kernel_dir $1)
++ case ${uname_s} in
++ Linux) test -e $DIR/include ;;
++ GNU/kFreeBSD) test -e $DIR/kern && test -e $DIR/conf/kmod.mk ;;
++ *) return 1 ;;
++ esac
++ return $?
++# Check the existence of a kernel named as $1
++_is_kernel_name_correct() {
++ CORRECT="no"
++ for kernel in /boot/config-*; do
++ KERNEL=${kernel#*-}
++ if [ "${KERNEL}" = "${KERNEL_NAME}" ]; then
++ CORRECT="yes"
++ break
++ fi
++ done
++ echo $CORRECT
++# Get the most recent kernel on Debian based systems. This keeps
++# into account both the version and the ABI. If the current kernel
++# is the most recent kernel then the function will print a null string.
++_get_newest_kernel_debian() {
++ for kernel in /boot/config-*; do
++ KERNEL=${kernel#*-}
++ ABI=${KERNEL#*-}
++ ABI=${ABI%%-*}
++ if [ -z "$NEWEST_KERNEL" ]; then
++ # The 1st time get a version which is bigger than $1
++ else
++ # Get the biggest version
++ fi
++ # if $kernel is greater than $COMPARE_TO
++ if [ `dpkg --compare-versions "$KERNEL_VERSION-$ABI" gt "$COMPARE_TO" && echo "yes" || \
++ echo "no"` = "yes" ]; then
++ fi
++ done
++ echo "$NEWEST_KERNEL"
++# Get the most recent kernel in Rhel based systems. If the current kernel
++# is the most recent kernel then the function will print a null string.
++_get_newest_kernel_rhel() {
++ LAST_INSTALLED_KERNEL=$(rpm -q --whatprovides kernel --last | grep kernel -m1 | cut -f1 -d' ')
++ if [ `echo $LIK_FORMATTED_NAME | grep 2.6 >/dev/null` ]; then
++ # Fedora and Suse
++ else
++ # Hack for Mandriva where $LIK_FORMATTED_NAME is broken
++ LIK_NAME=$(rpm -q $LAST_INSTALLED_KERNEL --queryformat="%{NAME}\n")
++ LIK_TYPE=${LIK_NAME#kernel-}
++ fi
++# Get the newest kernel on Debian and Rhel based systems.
++get_newest_kernel() {
++ # Try Debian first as rpm can be installed in Debian based distros
++ if [ -e /usr/bin/dpkg ]; then
++ # If DEB based
++ NEWEST_KERNEL=$(_get_newest_kernel_debian "$CURRENT_VERSION-$CURRENT_ABI")
++ elif [ `which rpm >/dev/null` ]; then
++ # If RPM based
++ NEWEST_KERNEL=$(_get_newest_kernel_rhel)
++ fi
++ # Make sure that kernel name that we extracted corresponds to an installed
++ # kernel
++ if [ -n "$NEWEST_KERNEL" ] && [ `_is_kernel_name_correct $NEWEST_KERNEL` = "no" ]; then
++ fi
++if [ -z "$NAME" ] || [ -z "$VERSION" ]; then
++ echo "Need NAME, and VERSION defined"
++ echo "ARCH is optional"
++ exit 1
++KERNELS=$(ls /lib/modules/ 2>/dev/null || true)
++CURRENT_KERNEL=$(uname -r)
++#We never want to keep an older version side by side to prevent conflicts
++if [ -e "/var/lib/dkms/$NAME/$VERSION" ]; then
++ echo "Removing old $NAME-$VERSION DKMS files..."
++ dkms remove -m $NAME -v $VERSION --all
++#Load new files, by source package and by tarball
++if [ -f "$TARBALL_ROOT/$NAME-$VERSION.dkms.tar.gz" ]; then
++ if ! dkms ldtarball --archive "$TARBALL_ROOT/$NAME-$VERSION.dkms.tar.gz"; then
++ echo ""
++ echo ""
++ echo "Unable to load DKMS tarball $TARBALL_ROOT/$NAME-$VERSION.dkms.tar.gz."
++ echo "Common causes include: "
++ echo " - You must be using DKMS or later to support binaries only"
++ echo " distribution specific archives."
++ echo " - Corrupt distribution specific archive"
++ echo ""
++ echo ""
++ exit 2
++ fi
++elif [ -d "/usr/src/$NAME-$VERSION" ]; then
++ echo "Loading new $NAME-$VERSION DKMS files..."
++ dkms add -m $NAME -v $VERSION > /dev/null
++# On 1st installation, let us look for a directory
++# in /lib/modules which matches `uname -r`. If none
++# is found it is possible that buildd is being used
++# and that uname -r is giving us the name of the
++# kernel used by the buildd machine.
++# If this is the case we try to build the kernel
++# module for each kernel which has a directory in
++# /lib/modules. Furthermore we will have to tell
++# DKMS which architecture it should build the module
++# for (e.g. if the buildd machine is using a
++# 2.6.24-23-xen 64bit kernel).
++# NOTE: if the headers are not installed then the
++# module won't be built, as usual
++if [ -z "$UPGRADE" ]; then
++ echo "First Installation: checking all kernels..."
++ for KERNEL in $KERNELS; do
++ if [ ${KERNEL} = ${CURRENT_KERNEL} ]; then
++ # Kernel found
++ break
++ fi
++ done
++# Here we look for the most recent kernel so that we can
++# build the module for it (in addition to doing it for the
++# current kernel.
++NEWEST_KERNEL=$(get_newest_kernel "$KERNELS")
++# If the current kernel doesn't come from the host of a chroot
++if [ `_is_kernel_name_correct $CURRENT_KERNEL` = "yes" ]; then
++ # See if it's worth building the module for both the newest kernel
++ # and for the current kernel
++ if [ -n "$NEWEST_KERNEL" ] && [ ${CURRENT_KERNEL} != ${NEWEST_KERNEL} ]; then
++ echo "Building for $CURRENT_KERNEL and $NEWEST_KERNEL"
++ else
++ echo "Building only for $CURRENT_KERNEL"
++ fi
++# The current kernel is not useful as it's the host's
++ echo "It is likely that $CURRENT_KERNEL belongs to a chroot's host"
++ # Let's use only the newest kernel
++ if [ -n "$NEWEST_KERNEL" ]; then
++ echo "Building only for $NEWEST_KERNEL"
++ fi
++if [ -n "$ARCH" ]; then
++ if which lsb_release >/dev/null && [ $(lsb_release -s -i) = "Ubuntu" ]; then
++ case $ARCH in
++ amd64)
++ ARCH="x86_64"
++ ;;
++ lpia|i?86)
++ ARCH="i686"
++ ;;
++ esac
++ fi
++ echo "Building for architecture $ARCH"
++ ARCH="-a $ARCH"
++for KERNEL in $KERNELS; do
++ dkms_status=`dkms status -m $NAME -v $VERSION -k $KERNEL $ARCH`
++ if [ `echo $KERNEL | grep -c "BOOT"` -gt 0 ]; then
++ echo ""
++ echo "Module build and install for $KERNEL was skipped as "
++ echo "it is a BOOT variant"
++ continue
++ fi
++ #if the module isn't yet built, try to build it
++ if [ `echo $dkms_status | grep -c ": built"` -eq 0 ]; then
++ if [ ! -L /var/lib/dkms/$NAME/$VERSION/source ]; then
++ echo "This package appears to be a binaries-only package"
++ echo " you will not be able to build against kernel $KERNEL"
++ echo " since the package source was not provided"
++ continue
++ fi
++ if _check_kernel_dir $KERNEL; then
++ echo "Building initial module for $KERNEL"
++ set +e
++ dkms build -m $NAME -v $VERSION -k $KERNEL $ARCH > /dev/null
++ case $? in
++ 9)
++ set -e
++ echo "Skipped."
++ continue
++ ;;
++ 0)
++ set -e
++ echo "Done."
++ ;;
++ *)
++ exit $?
++ ;;
++ esac
++ dkms_status=`dkms status -m $NAME -v $VERSION -k $KERNEL $ARCH`
++ else
++ echo "Module build for the currently running kernel was skipped since the"
++ echo "kernel source for this kernel does not seem to be installed."
++ fi
++ fi
++ #if the module is built (either pre-built or just now), install it
++ if [ `echo $dkms_status | grep -c ": built"` -eq 1 ] &&
++ [ `echo $dkms_status | grep -c ": installed"` -eq 0 ]; then
++ dkms install -m $NAME -v $VERSION -k $KERNEL $ARCH
++ fi
Set the path that we're installing to.
---- a/sapphire-remote-7.1/sapphire_startup.sh
-+++ b/sapphire-remote-7.1/sapphire_startup.sh
+--- a/sapphire_startup.sh
++++ b/sapphire_startup.sh
@@ -37,5 +37,5 @@
I was running into a problem where after unloading hid_topseed,
when I loaded sapphire the remote wasn't being registered
with sapphire until I unplugged it and plugged it back it.
---- a/sapphire-remote-7.1/sapphire_startup.sh
-+++ b/sapphire-remote-7.1/sapphire_startup.sh
+--- a/sapphire_startup.sh
++++ b/sapphire_startup.sh
@@ -8,8 +8,9 @@
build-stamp: configure-stamp
- $(MAKE)
touch $@
rm -f build-stamp configure-stamp
- -$(MAKE) clean
install: build
binary-arch: build install
--- /dev/null
+dkms.conf /usr/src/sapphire-remote-7.1
+Makefile /usr/src/sapphire-remote-7.1
+sapphire.c /usr/src/sapphire-remote-7.1
+sapphire.h /usr/src/sapphire-remote-7.1
+postinst /usr/share/sapphire-remote-dkms
-sapphire-remote-7.1/extract_keydefs.sh => /usr/lib/sapphire-remote/extract_keydefs.sh
-sapphire-remote-7.1/sapphire_keymap.sh.part1 => /usr/lib/sapphire-remote/sapphire_keymap.sh.part1
-sapphire-remote-7.1/sapphire_keymap.sh.part3 => /usr/lib/sapphire-remote/sapphire_keymap.sh.part3
-sapphire-remote-7.1/sapphire_startup.sh => /usr/lib/sapphire-remote/sapphire_startup.sh
-sapphire-remote-7.1/keymap.default => /etc/sapphire.keymap
+extract_keydefs.sh => /usr/lib/sapphire-remote/extract_keydefs.sh
+sapphire_keymap.sh.part1 => /usr/lib/sapphire-remote/sapphire_keymap.sh.part1
+sapphire_keymap.sh.part3 => /usr/lib/sapphire-remote/sapphire_keymap.sh.part3
+sapphire_startup.sh => /usr/lib/sapphire-remote/sapphire_startup.sh
+keymap.default => /etc/sapphire.keymap
+++ /dev/null
-# Makefile and (un-)Installer for Sapphire remote control driver,
-# by Mark Lord 2012-2018.
-INPUT_H=$(shell [ -e /usr/include/linux/input-event-codes.h ] && echo /usr/include/linux/input-event-codes.h || echo /usr/include/linux/input.h)
-## MODPARMS is not used any more, but we have to nuke old copies to prevent issues:
-CWD = $(shell pwd -P)
-KVER ?= $(shell uname -r)
-KDIR = /lib/modules/$(KVER)
-obj-m += $(MODNAME).o
-#EXTRA_CFLAGS += -Werror
-default: $(INPUT_H) kmod $(KEYMAP_SCRIPT)
- @echo "ERROR: $@: not found."
- @echo
- @echo "Please install the system development libraries first."
- @echo "Eg. on Ubuntu/Mint systems: sudo apt-get install build-essential"
- @echo
- @exit 1
- $(MAKE) -C $(KDIR)/build M=$(CWD) modules
- $(MAKE) kmod
- @bash -c "type -all gawk" >/dev/null 2>&1 || (\
- echo ;\
- echo "gawk not found, needed by installer; Aborted." ;\
- echo "For Ubuntu/Debian based systems, try this: sudo apt-get install gawk" ;\
- echo ;\
- exit 2 ;\
- )
- chmod 0755 $(EXTRACT_KEYDEFS)
- chmod 0755 $(KEYMAP_SCRIPT)
- @echo "Creating $(BLACKLIST)"
- @echo "## $(CONFLICTS) Conflicts with $(MODNAME) driver" > $(BLACKLIST)
- @echo "blacklist $(CONFLICTS)" >> $(BLACKLIST)
-modinstall: $(MODNAME).ko $(KEYMAP_SCRIPT)
- $(MAKE) -C $(KDIR)/build M=$(CWD) modules_install || exit 0
- @[ -e $(KDIR)/extra/sapphire.ko -o -e $(KDIR)/extra/sapphire.ko.gz -o -e $(KDIR)/extra/sapphire.ko.xz ] || exit 1
- depmod $(KVER)
- @if [ "$(KVER)" = "$$(uname -r)" ]; then \
- rmmod $(MODNAME) 2>/dev/null ;\
- rmmod $(CONFLICTS) 2>/dev/null ;\
- ./sapphire_startup.sh ;\
- else \
- exit 0 ;\
- fi
- $(MAKE) -C $(KDIR)/build M=$(CWD) clean
- -rm -f $(KEYMAP_SCRIPT)
- @if [ -e $(MODPARAMS) ]; then rm -f $(MODPARMS) ; fi ; exit 0
-uninstall: clean clean_modparms
- -rmmod $(MODNAME)
- -rm -f $(BLACKLIST)
- -rm -f /usr/local/bin/$(KEYMAP_SCRIPT)
- -rm -f $(KDIR)/extra/$(MODNAME).ko
- depmod
-install: $(MODNAME).ko clean_modparms modinstall $(BLACKLIST) $(KEYMAP_SCRIPT)
- install -m 0755 $(KEYMAP_SCRIPT) /usr/local/bin/
- install -m 0755 sapphire_startup.sh /usr/local/bin/
-all: install
+++ /dev/null
-# Items below here should not have to change with each driver version
-MAKE[0]="make -C ${kernel_source_dir} SUBDIRS=${dkms_tree}/${PACKAGE_NAME}/${PACKAGE_VERSION}/build modules"
-CLEAN="make -C ${kernel_source_dir} SUBDIRS=${dkms_tree}/${PACKAGE_NAME}/${PACKAGE_VERSION}/build clean"