# (2) Re-did in a more generic and OO way (Ed Hill, May 9, 1997)
# (3) Re-did as a client which gets info from the spong-server (07/24/1997)
# (4) Did a whole bunch of stuff (Ed Hill, 06/18/1998)
+# (5) Valid XHTML output, 2 frames output, cleanups (Michael Arndt, 11/15/2005)
-# $Id: www-spong.pl,v 1.23 2003/07/27 03:40:17 sljohnson Exp $
+# $Id: www-spong.pl,v 1.24 2005/11/15 10:11:43 scriptkiller Exp $
use lib "@@LIBDIR@@";
if( defined $opt{'full'} ) { $view = "full"; }
if( defined $opt{'problems'} ) { &problems( $opt{'problems'} ); $opt = 1; }
- if( defined $opt{'summary'} ) { &summary( $opt{'summary'} ); $opt = 1; }
- if( defined $opt{'history'} ) { &history( $opt{'history'} ); $opt = 1; }
+ if( defined $opt{'summary'} ) { &summary( 0, $opt{'summary'} ); $opt = 1; }
+ if( defined $opt{'history'} ) { &history( 0, $opt{'history'} ); $opt = 1; }
if( defined $opt{'host'} ) { &host( $opt{'host'} ); $opt = 1; }
if( defined $opt{'services'} ) { &services( $opt{'services'} ); $opt = 1; }
- if ( defined $opt{'grp-summary'} ) { &grp_summary( $opt{'grp-summary'} ); $opt= 1; }
- if ( defined $opt{'grp-problems'} ) { &grp_problems( $opt{'grp-problems'} ); $opt= 1; }
+ if ( defined $opt{'grp-summary'} ) { &grp_summary( 0, $opt{'grp-summary'} ); $opt= 1; }
+ if ( defined $opt{'grp-problems'} ) { &grp_problems( 0, $opt{'grp-problems'} ); $opt= 1; }
- if( ! $opt ) { &summary( "all" ); }
+ if( ! $opt ) { &summary( 0, "all" ); }
# These commands control the frame interface, etc...
if( $cmd eq "" || $cmd eq "/" ) {
- if ($WWWFRAMES == 3) { &toplevel(); }
- else {
- &interactive( "all" ) if $main::WWW_DEFAULT_VIEW eq "HOSTS";
- &ovinteractive( "all" ) if $main::WWW_DEFAULT_VIEW eq "GROUPS";
- }
- exit;
+ toplevel_interactive($main::WWW_DEFAULT_VIEW, "all");
+ exit;
if ($cmd =~ m!^/title$! ) { &title(); exit; }
-if( $cmd =~ m!^/group/(.*)$! ) { &interactive( $1 ); exit; }
-if( $cmd =~ m!^/bygroup/(.*)$! ) { &ovinteractive( $1 ); exit; }
+if( $cmd =~ m!^/group/(.*)$! ) { &toplevel_interactive( "HOSTS", $1 ); exit; }
+# note the "" as argument! this will activate "by-group" instead of "group"
+if( $cmd =~ m!^/bygroup/(.*)$! ) { &toplevel_interactive( "GROUPS", "" ); exit; }
if( $cmd =~ m!^/commands/(.*)$! ) { &commands( $1 ); exit; }
+# see sub availability, argument is target-frame
+if( $cmd =~ m!^/availability/(.*)$! ) { &availability( $1 ); exit; }
if( $cmd =~ m!^/ovcommands/(.*)$! ) { &ovcommands( $1 ); exit; }
if( $cmd =~ m!^/igrp-summary/(.*)$! ) { &igrp_summary( $1 ); exit; }
if( $cmd =~ m!^/igrp-overview/(.*)$! ) { &igrp_overview( $1 ); exit; }
if( $cmd =~ m!^/full/(.*)$! ) { $view = "full"; $cmd = "/$1"; }
if( $cmd =~ m!^/problems/(.*)$! ) { &problems($1); exit;}
-if( $cmd =~ m!^/summary/(.*)$! ) { &summary($1); exit;}
-if( $cmd =~ m!^/history/(.*)$! ) { &history($1); exit;}
+if( $cmd =~ m!^/summary/(.*)$! ) { &summary(0, $1); exit;}
+if( $cmd =~ m!^/history/(.*)$! ) { &history(0, $1); exit;}
if( $cmd =~ m!^/host/(.*)$! ) { &host($1); exit;}
if( $cmd =~ m!^/services/(.*)$! ) { &services($1); exit;}
if( $cmd =~ m!^/histservice/(.*)/(.*)/(.*)$! ) { &histservice( $1, "$2 $3" ); exit; }
-if( $cmd =~ m!^/grp-summary/(.*)$! ) { &grp_summary( $1 ); exit;}
-if( $cmd =~ m!^/grp-problems/(.*)$! ) { &grp_problems( $1 ); exit;}
+if( $cmd =~ m!^/grp-summary/(.*)$! ) { &grp_summary( 0, $1 ); exit;}
+if( $cmd =~ m!^/grp-problems/(.*)$! ) { &grp_problems( 0, $1 ); exit;}
# Need to do something when an invalid request comes through...
# commands & error summary information is shown, and the frame for more
# detailed host information.
+# include stylesheet-link to xhtml-stream
+sub insert_stylesheet {
+ print "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" ".
+ "href=\"$main::WWWDOCS/style.css\" />\n";
-sub toplevel {
+# include some meta tags to xhtml-stream
+sub insert_meta {
+ print "<meta name=\"generator\" content=\"Spong v$SPONGVER\" />\n";
- # Default to a reasonable value if not defined.
- $main::WWW_TITLE_SIZE = 40 if( $main::WWW_TITLE_SIZE <= 0 );
+# insert 2 links, one pointing to Hosts-View and one to Groups-View
+sub insert_view_switch {
+ print "<hr />\n";
+ print "<span class=\"form_property\">Views: </span>\n";
+ print "<a href=\"$main::WWWSPONG/bygroup/\" target=\"_top\">Groups</a> || \n";
+ print "<a href=\"$main::WWWSPONG/group/all\" target=\"_top\">Hosts</a> \n";
- print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
- print "<html><head>\n";
- print "<title>Spong v$SPONGVER - System Status Monitor</title></head>\n";
- print "<frameset rows=\"$main::WWW_TITLE_SIZE,*\" border=5 frameboard=no>";
- print "<frame src=\"$main::WWWSPONG/title\" marginwidth=5 ";
- print "marginheight=5 noshade name=\"title\">\n";
- print "<frame src=\"";
+# insert link to configure shown group and the name
+# of the currently shown group
+# call as insert_group_info($groupname)
+sub insert_group_info {
- print "$main::WWWSPONG/bygroup/" if $main::WWW_DEFAULT_VIEW eq "GROUPS";
- print "$main::WWWSPONG/group/all" if $main::WWW_DEFAULT_VIEW eq "HOSTS";
+ my $gname=shift;
+ print "<hr />\n";
+ print "<a href=\"$main::WWWSPONG/groups\">Group</a>:\n";
+ print "<span class=\"form_property\">$gname</span>\n";
+ print "<hr />\n";
- print "\" marginwidth=10 ";
- print "marginheight=5 noshade name=\"view\" border=1>\n";
- print "</frameset>\n";
- print "<noframe>\n";
- print "Frameless version not currently available.\n";
- print "</noframes>\n</html>\n";
-sub interactive {
- my $group = shift;
+# insert a "Updated at ..." text with current time and date
+sub insert_updated_time {
- print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
- print "<html><head>\n";
- print "<title>Spong v$SPONGVER - System Status Monitor</title></head>\n";
- print "<frameset cols=\"240,*\" border=5 frameboard=no>";
- print "<frame src=\"$main::WWWSPONG/commands/$group\" marginwidth=5 ";
- print "marginheight=5 noshade>\n";
- print "<frame src=\"$main::WWWSPONG/isummary/$group\" marginwidth=10 ";
- print "marginheight=5 noshade name=\"right\" border=1>\n";
- print "</frameset>\n";
- print "<noframe>\n";
- print "Frameless version not currently available.\n";
- print "</noframes>\n</html>\n";
-sub ovinteractive {
- my $group = shift;
+ print "Updated at ", POSIX::strftime( "$TIMEFMTNOSEC, on $DATEFMT", localtime() ), "\n";
- print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
- print "<html><head>\n";
- print "<title>Spong v$SPONGVER - System Status Monitor</title></head>\n";
- print "<frameset cols=\"240,*\" border=5 frameboard=no>";
- print "<frame src=\"$main::WWWSPONG/ovcommands/\" marginwidth=5 ";
- print "marginheight=5 noshade>\n";
- if ($main::WWW_OVERVIEW == 1) {
- print "<frame src=\"$main::WWWSPONG/igrp-overview/\" marginwidth=10 ";
- } else {
- print "<frame src=\"$main::WWWSPONG/igrp-summary/\" marginwidth=10 ";
- }
+# Generate suiting framesets according to $WWWFRAMES config value
+# in interactive mode.
+# Viewtype may be "GROUPS" or "HOSTS"
+# Viewoptions is for example "all" or a group-/hostname
+# toplevel_interactive($viewtype, $viewoptions)
+sub toplevel_interactive {
+ my $viewtype=shift;
+ my $viewoptions=shift;
+ # build links for frameset and noframes version
+ my ($link1, $link2)=("", "");
+ if($viewtype eq "HOSTS") {
+ $link1="commands/$viewoptions";
+ $link2="isummary/$viewoptions";
+ }
+ elsif($viewtype eq "GROUPS") {
+ $link1="ovcommands/"; # no viewoptions here
+ $link2="igrp-summary/$viewoptions";
+ }
+ # 1 frame
+ if($main::WWWFRAMES == 1) {
+ # we don't even need a frameset here
+ # redirect directly to spong-page
+ print "Location: $main::WWWSPONG/$link2\r\n";
+ # user should not see everything below here:
+ &header(0, "Spong Redirect");
+ print "<a href=\"$main::WWWSPONG/$link2\">Please go here ...</a>\n";
+ &footer();
+ }
+ # more than 1 frame (means: 2 or 3 frames ..)
+ elsif($main::WWWFRAMES > 1) {
+ # build frameset
+ print "Content-type: text/html\r\n\r\n";
+ print '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>',"\n";
+ print '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Frameset//EN" '.
+ '"http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-frameset.dtd">',"\n";
+ print '<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">',"\n";
+ print "<head>\n";
+ &insert_stylesheet();
+ &insert_meta();
+ print "<title>Spong v$SPONGVER - System Status Monitor</title></head>\n";
+ # if we have 3 frames add outer-frameset with
+ # title-frame now
+ if($main::WWWFRAMES == 3) {
+ print "<frameset rows=\"$main::WWW_TITLE_SIZE,*\" border=\"5\"";
+ print " frameborder=\"0\">\n";
+ print "<frame src=\"$main::WWWSPONG/title\" marginwidth=\"5\" ";
+ print "marginheight=\"5\" noshade=\"noshade\" name=\"title\" />\n";
+ }
+ # 2 (inner-) frames
+ print " <frameset cols=\"240,*\" border=\"5\" frameborder=\"no\">\n";
+ print " <frame src=\"$main::WWWSPONG/$link1\" marginwidth=\"5\"";
+ print " marginheight=\"5\" noshade=\"noshade\" name=\"left\" />\n";
+ print " <frame src=\"$main::WWWSPONG/$link2\" marginwidth=\"10\"";
+ print " marginheight=\"5\" noshade=\"noshade\" name=\"right\"";
+ print " border=\"1\" />\n";
+ print " </frameset>\n";
+ # close outer frameset if neccessary
+ if($main::WWWFRAMES == 3) {
+ print "</frameset>\n";
+ }
+ print "<noframe>\n";
+ print "For a frameless version set \$WWWFRAMES to 1, please!\n";
+ print "</noframes>\n";
+ print "</html>\n";
+ }
- print "marginheight=5 noshade name=\"right\" border=1>\n";
- print "</frameset>\n";
- print "<noframe>\n";
- print "Frameless version not currently available.\n";
- print "</noframes>\n</html>\n";
# This function fills out the Title header. It had a command bar that changes
# the the current View type in the 'view' frame
sub title {
- &header(0);
+ &header(0, "Title Frame");
my $me = $main::WWWSPONG;
- print "<base target=view>\n";
-# print "<center>";
- print "<font size=+2><b>Spong v$SPONGVER</b></font>\n";
-# print "</center>\n";
-# print "<br>";
- print "<a href=\"$me/bygroup/\">Groups</a> || \n";
- print "<a href=\"$me/group/all\">Hosts</a> \n";
+ print "<table class=\"spong_mainheader\">\n";
+ print " <tr class=\"spong_mainheader\">\n";
+ print " <td>\n";
+ print " <h1>Spong v$SPONGVER </h1>\n";
+ print " </td>\n";
+ print " <td>\n";
+ # TODO: combine with insert_view_switch ?
+ print "<a href=\"$me/bygroup/\" target=\"_top\">Groups</a> || \n";
+ print "<a href=\"$me/group/all\" target=\"_top\">Hosts</a> \n";
# print "<b>Extra Tool Bar Commands:</b> ";
# print " <a href=\"/spong-rrd/index.html\">Spong RRD Charts</a>\n";
# print " || <a href=\"/cgi-bin/sysquery.pl?target=showall\">System Summaries</a>\n";
if ( $main::WWW_TITLE_ACTIONBAR ) { print $main::WWW_TITLE_ACTIONBAR,"\n"; }
+ print " </td>\n";
+ print " </tr>\n";
+ print "</table>\n";
+ &footer();
my $gname = $main::GROUPS{$group}->{'name'} if $main::GROUPS{$group};
$gname = "Selected Hosts" unless $gname;
- &header( 1 );
+ &header( 1, "Action Bar" );
+ # why we don't use <base> here anymore:
+ # - because it is only allowed within <head></head>
- print "<base target=right>\n";
# print "<font size=+2><b>Spong v$SPONGVER</b></font>\n";
- print "<font size=+2><b>Hosts View</b></font>\n";
- unless ($WWWFRAMES == 3) {
- print "<hr>\n";
- print "<b>Views:</b> <a href=\"$me/bygroup/\" target=_top>Groups</a>";
- print " || \n<a href=\"$me/group/all\" target=_top>Hosts</a> \n";
+# print "<font size=+2><b>Hosts View</b></font>\n";
+ print "<h2>Hosts View</h2>\n";
+ # If we don't have a top frame with these links, must add links here
+ # to switch between Hosts-View- and Groups-View-Mode.
+ if ($main::WWWFRAMES != 3) {
+ &insert_view_switch();
- print "<hr>\n";
- print "<a href=\"$main::WWWACK/$group\">Ack</a> || \n";
- print "<a href=\"$me/isummary/$group\">Summary</a> || \n";
- print "<a href=\"$me/ihistory/$group\">History</a> || \n";
- print "<a href=\"$me/help\">Help</a>\n";
- print "<hr>\n<p>\n";
+ print "<hr />\n";
+ print "<a href=\"$main::WWWACK\" target=\"right\">Ack</a> || \n";
+ print "<a href=\"$me/isummary/$group\" target=\"right\">Summary</a> || \n";
+ print "<a href=\"$me/ihistory/$group\" target=\"right\">History</a> || \n";
+ print "<a href=\"$me/help\" target=\"right\">Help</a>\n";
+ print "<hr />\n";
+ print "<br />\n";
&problems( $group );
- print "<p><hr><a href=\"$me/groups\">Group</a>: <b>$gname</b>\n<hr>\n";
- print "Updated at ", POSIX::strftime( "$TIMEFMTNOSEC, on $DATEFMT", localtime() ), "\n";
+ &insert_group_info($gname);
+ &insert_updated_time();
+# This function generates a page that can easily included in custom projects.
+# It show all hosts with problems follewed by a list of all monitored hosts.
+# Also a target-frame-name can be specified, all other spong-pages will be
+# displayed in that frame.
+sub availability {
+ my $target=shift;
+ # 1: do reload regulary
+ &header(1, "Spong availability");
+ print "<h2>Availability:</h2>\n";
+ print "<hr />\n";
+ print "<br />\n";
+ print "<h3>Problems:</h3>\n";
+ &problems("all");
+ print "<br />\n";
+ print "<hr />\n";
+ print "<h3>Host List:</h3>\n";
+ # make a query with format set to "names_only", so that there
+ # will only be a table with host-names inside beeing sent to output
+ print &query( $SPONGSERVER, "summary", "all", "html", "names_only" );
+ print "<br />\n";
+ print "<hr />\n";
+ &footer();
sub ovcommands {
my $group = shift;
my $me = $main::WWWSPONG;
$group = "all" unless $group;
-# my $gname = $main::GROUPS{$group}->{'name'} if $main::GROUPS{$group};
-# $gname = "Selected Hosts" unless $gname;
+ my $gname = $main::GROUPS{$group}->{'name'} if $main::GROUPS{$group};
+ $gname = "Selected Hosts" unless $gname;
- &header( 1 );
+ &header( 1, "Groups View" );
- print "<base target=right>\n";
-# print "<font size=+2><b>Spong v$SPONGVER</b></font>\n";
- print "<font size=+2><b>Groups View</b></font>\n";
- unless ($WWWFRAMES == 3) {
- print "<hr>\n";
- print "<b>Views: </b><a href=\"$me/bygroup/\" target=_top>Groups</a> || \n";
- print "<a href=\"$me/group/all\" target=_top>Hosts</a> \n";
+ print "<h2>Groups View</h2>\n";
+ if($main::WWWFRAMES != 3) {
+ &insert_view_switch();
- print "<hr>\n";
+ print "<hr />\n";
+ print "<a href=\"$me/igrp-summary/\" target=\"right\">Groups</a> || \n";
+ print "<a href=\"$me/igrp-overview/\" target=\"right\">Group Summary</a>\n";
+ print "<hr />\n";
- print "<a href=\"$me/igrp-summary/\">Groups</a> || \n";
- print "<a href=\"$me/igrp-overview/\">Group Summary</a>\n";
- print "<hr>\n";
+ print "<a href=\"$main::WWWACK\" target=\"right\">Ack</a> || \n";
- print "<a href=\"$main::WWWACK\">Ack</a> || \n";
-# print "<a href=\"$me/isummary/$group\">Summary</a> || \n";
- print "<a href=\"$me/ihistory/all\">History</a> || \n";
- print "<a href=\"$me/help\">Help</a>\n";
- print "<hr>\n<p>\n";
+# print "<a href=\"$me/isummary/$group\" target=\"right\">Summary</a> || \n";
- &grp_problems( $group );
+ print "<a href=\"$me/ihistory/all\" target=\"right\">History</a> || \n";
+ print "<a href=\"$me/help\" target=\"right\">Help</a>\n";
+ print "<hr />\n";
+ &grp_problems( 1, $group );
+ &insert_group_info($gname);
+ &insert_updated_time();
- print "<p><hr>";
-# print "<a href=\"$me/groups\">Group</a>: <b>$gname</b>\n<hr>\n";
- print "Updated at ", POSIX::strftime( "$TIMEFMTNOSEC, on $DATEFMT", localtime() ), "\n";
my $gname = $main::GROUPS{$group}->{'name'} if $main::GROUPS{$group};
$gname = "Selected Hosts" unless $gname;
- &header( 1 );
- print "<font size=+2><b>$gname</b></font>\n<hr>\n";
- &summary( $group );
+ &header( 1, "$gname" );
+ print "<h2>$gname</h2>\n<hr />\n";
+ &summary( 1, $group );
my $gname = $main::GROUPS{$group}->{'name'} if $main::GROUPS{$group};
$gname = "Selected Hosts" unless $gname;
- &header( 1 );
- print "<font size=+2><b>$gname</b></font>\n<hr>\n";
- &history( $group );
+ &header( 1, "$gname" );
+ print "<h2>$gname</h2>\n<hr />\n";
+ &history( 1, $group );
# my $gname = $main::GROUPS{$group}->{'name'} if $main::GROUPS{$group};
# $gname = "Selected Hosts" unless $gname;
- &header( 1 );
- print "<font size=+2><b>Host Groups</b></font>\n<hr>\n";
+ &header( 1, "Host Groups" );
+ print "<h2>Host Groups</h2>\n";
+ print "<hr />";
$main::view = "full";
- &grp_summary($group);
+ &grp_summary( 1, $group);
# my $gname = $main::GROUPS{$group}->{'name'} if $main::GROUPS{$group};
# $gname = "Selected Hosts" unless $gname;
- &header( 1 );
- print "<font size=+2><b>Host Groups Summary</b></font>\n<hr>\n";
+ &header( 1, "Host Groups Summary" );
+ print "<h2>Host Groups Summary</h2>\n<hr />\n";
$view = "standard";
- &grp_summary($group);
+ &grp_summary( 1, $group);
sub groups {
my $group;
- &header( $group, "Groups", '', 0 );
- print "<base target=view>\n";
- print "<font size=+2><b>Spong Groups</b></font>\n<hr>\n";
+ &header( 1, "Groups");
+ print "<h2>Spong Groups</h2>\n<hr />\n";
- print "You can select a specific group to show only information about ";
+ print "<p>You can select a specific group to show only information about ";
print "those hosts. The groups below have been defined by the spong ";
- print "administrator.<p>\n";
+ print "administrator.</p>\n";
print "<ul>\n";
foreach $group ( @main::GROUPS_LIST ) {
my $name = $main::GROUPS{$group}->{'name'};
my $summary = $main::GROUPS{$group}->{'summary'};
- print "<li><a href=\"$main::WWWSPONG/group/$group\">$name</a> ";
- print "($group)<br>\n$summary<p>\n";
+ print "<li><a href=\"$main::WWWSPONG/group/$group\" target=\"_top\">$name</a> ";
+ print "($group)<br />\n$summary<br /><br /></li>\n";
- print "</ul><p>\n";
- print "<hr noshade>\n";
+ print "</ul><p></p>\n";
+ print "<hr />\n";
- print "You can also build a custom group to monitor by selecting one or ";
- print "hosts from the list below.<p>\n";
- print "<form action=\"$WWWSPONG/groups-doit\" method=get>\n";
- print "<center><table width=80% border=0>\n";
- print "<tr><td width=50% valign=top align=center>\n";
- print "<select name=\"hosts\" size=10 multiple>\n";
+ print "<p>You can also build a custom group to monitor by selecting one or ";
+ print "hosts from the list below.</p>\n";
+ print "<form action=\"$WWWSPONG/groups-doit\" method=\"get\" target=\"_top\">\n";
+ print "<select name=\"hosts\" size=\"10\" multiple=\"multiple\">\n";
- foreach $host ( @main::HOSTS_LIST ) { print "<option>$host\n"; }
+ foreach $host ( @main::HOSTS_LIST ) { print "<option>$host</option>\n"; }
print "</select>\n";
- print "</td><td width=50% valign=center align=center>\n";
- print "<input type=submit name=\" Show Hosts \" value=\" Show Hosts \">\n";
- print "</td></tr></table>\n";
+ print "<br /><br />\n";
+ print "<input type=\"submit\" value=\" Show Hosts \" />\n";
print "</form>\n";
- print "<hr>\n";
+ print "<hr />\n";
my $group = "";
while( $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'} =~ /hosts=([^\&]+)/isg ) { $group .= "$1,"; }
chop $group;
- &interactive( $group );
+ &toplevel_interactive( "HOSTS", $group );
$group = "all" unless $group;
- &header( 1 );
+ # always called inline! DON'T add header and footer!
print &query( $SPONGSERVER, "problems", $group, "html", $view );
- &footer();
+# call with 1 as first arg to ommit header/footer,
+# use 0 otherwise
sub summary {
- my $group = shift;
- my $view = $main::view || "standard";
- $group = "all" unless $group;
- &header( 1 );
- print &query( $SPONGSERVER, "summary", $group, "html", $view );
- &footer();
+ my $inline_use = shift;
+ my $group = shift;
+ my $view = $main::view || "standard";
+ $group = "all" unless $group;
+ &header( 1, "Summary" ) unless $inline_use;
+ print &query( $SPONGSERVER, "summary", $group, "html", $view );
+ &footer() unless $inline_use;
+# call with 1 as first arg to ommit header/footer,
+# use 0 otherwise
sub history {
- my $group = shift;
- my $view = $main::view || "standard";
- $group = "all" unless $group;
+ my $inline_use = shift;
+ my $group = shift;
+ my $view = $main::view || "standard";
+ $group = "all" unless $group;
- &header( 1 );
- print &query( $SPONGSERVER, "history", $group, "html", $view );
- &footer();
+ &header( 1, "History" ) unless $inline_use;
+ print &query( $SPONGSERVER, "history", $group, "html", $view );
+ &footer() unless $inline_use;
my $host = shift;
my $view = $main::view || "standard";
- &header( 0 );
+ # never called inline, so header() and footer() are ok here
+ &header( 0, "Host" );
print &query( $SPONGSERVER, "host", $host, "html", $view );
my $host = shift;
my $view = $main::view || "standard";
- &header( 0 );
+ # never called inline, so header() and footer() are ok here
+ &header( 0, "Services" );
print &query( $SPONGSERVER, "services", $host, "html", $view );
my $host = shift;
my $view = $main::view || "standard";
- &header( 0 );
+ # never called inline, so header() and footer() are ok here
+ &header( 0, "Stats" );
print &query( $SPONGSERVER, "stats", $host, "html", $view );
my $host = shift;
my $view = $main::view || "standard";
- &header( 0 );
+ # never called inline, so header() and footer() are ok here
+ &header( 0, "Config" );
print &query( $SPONGSERVER, "config", $host, "html", $view );
my $host = shift;
my $view = $main::view || "standard";
- &header( 0 );
+ # never called inline, so header() and footer() are ok here
+ &header( 0, "Info" );
print &query( $SPONGSERVER, "info", $host, "html", $view );
my( $host, $service ) = @_;
my $view = $main::view || "full";
- &header( 0 );
+ # never called inline, so header() and footer() are ok here
+ &header( 0, "Service" );
print &query( $SPONGSERVER, "service", $host, "html", $view, $service );
my ($host, $service, $time ) = @_;
my $view = $main::view || "full";
- &header( 0 );
+ # never called inline, so header() and footer() are ok here
+ &header( 0, "History" );
print &query( $SPONGSERVER, "histservice", $host, "html", $view, $service,
$time );
+# call with 1 as first arg to ommit header/footer,
+# use 0 otherwise
sub grp_summary {
- my( $other ) = @_;
- my $view = $main::view || 'full';
+ my $inline_use = shift;
+ my( $other ) = @_;
+ my $view = $main::view || 'full';
+ &header(0, "Group Summary") unless $inline_use;
+ print &query( $SPONGSERVER, "grpsummary", '', "html", $view, $other);
+ &footer() unless $inline_use;
- &header(0);
- print &query( $SPONGSERVER, "grpsummary", '', "html", $view, $other);
- &footer();
+# call with 1 as first arg to ommit header/footer,
+# use 0 otherwise
sub grp_problems {
- my( $other ) = @_;
- my $view = $main::view || 'full';
- &header(0);
- print &query( $SPONGSERVER, "grpproblems", $other, "html", $view );
- &footer();
+ my $inline_use = shift;
+ my( $other ) = @_;
+ my $view = $main::view || 'full';
+ &header(0, "Problems") unless $inline_use;
+ print &query( $SPONGSERVER, "grpproblems", $other, "html", $view );
+ &footer() unless $inline_use;
# Just print a little message to stdout showing what valid options are to
sub header {
my( $reload ) = shift;
+ my( $title ) = shift || "Spong Page";
+ # $header_printed should not be necessary anymore
+ # if( $main::header_printed == 1 ) { return; }
+ # $main::header_printed = 1;
+ print "Content-type: text/html\r\n\r\n";
+ print '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>',"\n";
+ print '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" '.
+ '"http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">',"\n";
+ print '<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">',"\n";
+ print "<head>\n";
- if( $main::header_printed == 1 ) { return; }
- $main::header_printed = 1;
+ print "<title>$title</title>\n";
+ &insert_stylesheet();
+ &insert_meta();
- print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
if( $reload == 1 && &can_reload() ) {
- print "<meta http-equiv=\"REFRESH\" content=\"$main::SPONGSLEEP\">\n"; }
+ print "<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"$main::SPONGSLEEP\" />\n"; }
+ print "</head>\n";
+ print "<body>\n";
&show( "header", 1 ) if -f "$main::WWWHTML/header.html";
sub footer {
if ($main::footer_printer == 1 ) { return; }
$main::footer_printer = 1;
- &show( "footer", 1 ) if -f "$main::WWWHTML/footer.html"; }
+ &show( "footer", 1 ) if -f "$main::WWWHTML/footer.html";
+ print "</body>\n";
+ print "</html>\n";
# This just takes a HTML template with a given name, and sends it to STDOUT.
# This is used primarily for the help documentation.
my $show = $main::WWWSPONG . "/help";
if( -f "$main::WWWHTML/$file.html" ) {
- &header( '', "Help", '', 0 ) unless $hf;
+ &header( 0, "Help" ) unless $hf;
open( FILE, "$main::WWWHTML/$file.html" );
while( <FILE> ) {
close( FILE );
&footer() unless $hf;
} else {
- &header( '', "Help", '', 0 ) unless $hf;
- print "<h1>Help Not Available</h1>\n";
+ &header( 0, "Help" ) unless $hf;
+ print "<h2>Help Not Available</h2>\n";
print "Sorry, but no help has been provided for that topic.\n";
&footer() unless $hf;
return $msg if $ok;
- return "<font color=red><b>Can't connect to spong server!</b></font>";
+ return "<span class=\"error\">Error:</span>\n".
+ "<span class=\"error_text\">Can't connect to spong server!</span>\n";