This bug meant that only the first regex in the INC and EXCL lists
was ever used.
# Check the list of hosts to exclude
foreach my $re (@SENDMSG_EXCL_HOSTS) {
# Check the list of hosts to exclude
foreach my $re (@SENDMSG_EXCL_HOSTS) {
- if ( $host =~ /$re/o ) { return; } # If we get a hit, return
+ if ( $host =~ /$re/ ) { return; } # If we get a hit, return
# Check the lists of hosts to include
my $hit=0;
foreach my $re (@SENDMSG_INC_HOSTS) {
# Check the lists of hosts to include
my $hit=0;
foreach my $re (@SENDMSG_INC_HOSTS) {
- if ( $host =~ /$re/o ) { $hit=1; last; } # If we get a hit, set flag
+ if ( $host =~ /$re/ ) { $hit=1; last; } # If we get a hit, set flag
return unless $hit; # Return unless we got a hit
return unless $hit; # Return unless we got a hit